মঙ্গলবার, ২৫ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Looking older is Japanese women?s biggest concern regarding appearance

How interested are you in ageing matters? graph of japanese statisticsTo promote a new supplement that the cosmetics and beauty company they have released, Fancl conducted a survey, reported on by japan.internet.com, into anti-ageing awareness and practise.


At some point during the period from the 9th to 20th of August 2012 Fancl conducted a survey through their new Purging Power Raising Committee web site. The respondents were 1,000 women between the ages of 20 and 59, and although the age breakdown is not reported, the figures in the results below suggest there were exactly 25.0% in each of the age groups of twenties, thirties, forties and fifties.

Just to give them a plug since they gave me a survey, the Purging Power Raising support product they are selling is apparently ?Daizu (Soy Bean) Saponin B?, which it apparently suggests (in sufficiently-vague wording to avoid regulatory problems) helps flush out whatever it is that might build up and might cause one to appear older than if said whatever was flushed out.

Research results

Q1: On a scale of 0 to 2, how much do you dislike your husband, partner saying the following? (Sample size=1,000)

You?ve got older 1.89
You?ve got fat 1.23
Your skin?s lost condition 0.74
Your wrinkles have increased 0.71
Nothing in particular 0.62
You look tired 0.35
Your white hair has increased 0.30
Your hair?s getting thinner 0.15
Other 0.02

Q2: On a scale of 0 to 3, how much do you dislike a relative you haven?t seen for a long time saying the following? (Sample size=1,000)

You?ve got older 2.04
You?ve got fat 1.28
Your wrinkles have increased 0.71
Nothing in particular 0.70
Your skin?s lost condition 0.54
You look tired 0.34
Your white hair has increased 0.24
Your hair?s getting thinner 0.14
Other 0.01

Q3: On a scale of 0 to 2, how much attention do you pay to the following at class reunions? (Sample size=1,000)

If I look older than others in my class 1.94
Their clothes, bag, etc sense 1.17
Whether their skin, nails, hair are well looked-after 1.08
Nothing in particular 0.81
Their job 0.31
Whether they are married 0.23
Whether they have children 0.17
Information about their spouse 0.13
Their salary 0.13
Other 0.02

No, I do not know why Q2 was on a scale of 0 to 3 and the other two on a scale of 0 to 2!

Q4: The following ten lifestyle choices are said to make it easy for ?ageing substances? to build up in your body: smoking, no exercise habit, often eating prepared food, high-stress life, being well sun-tanned, lack of sleep, eating lots of fatty foods, always eating until full or more, drinking lots of alcohol, and an irregular lifestyle. How many of these apply to you? (Sample size=1,000)

One, two or three 34.9%
Four, five or six 47.9%
Seven to ten 17.2%

Q5: Regarding your own external beauty and youthfulness, which gender do you worry about how they perceive you? (Sample size=1,000)

? Women Perhaps women Perhaps men Men
All 27.0% 49.8% 18.6% 4.6%
Twenties 22.4% 40.4% 26.0% 11.2%
Thirties 24.4% 48.8% 21.6% 5.2%
Forties 31.2% 52.0% 15.2% 1.6%
Fifties 30.0% 58.0% 11.6% 0.4%

Q6: How interested are you in ageing matters? (Sample size=1,000)

Very interested 31.1%
Somewhat interested 42.4%
Can?t say either way 16.0%
Not really interested 7.0%
Not interested at all 3.5%

The following question was for the 385 women who said they were taking some form of anti-ageing measures.

Q7: How satisfied are you with your own anti-ageing measures? (Sample size=385)

Very much satisfied 1.3%
Somewhat satisfied 41.8%
Not really satisfied 50.4%
Not satisfied at all 6.5%

Q8: Do you think you don?t know the proper way to take anti-ageing measures appropriate for yourself? (Sample size=1,000)

Think so 49.3%
Somewhat think so 37.8%
Don?t think so 12.9%

Q9: Do you feel unsure about whether anti-ageing measures you are taking suit yourself? (Sample size=1,000)

Think so 34.2%
Somewhat think so 40.9%
Don?t think so 24.9%

Q9: Do you feel there is a lot of anti-ageing information that you cannot trust? (Sample size=1,000)

Think so 40.1%
Somewhat think so 47.6%
Don?t think so 12.3%

Q10: Have you ever taken anti-ageing measures without knowing what the effect would be and without understanding them properly? (Sample size=1,000)

Yes 33.8%
Perhaps yes 41.5%
No 24.7%

Q11: Regarding ?aging substances?, do you feel that there is something unneeded stored up in your body? (Sample size=1,000)

Yes 37.5%
To some degree 40.0%
Not really 19.0%
Not at all 3.5%
Read more on: fancl,saponin


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  • Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/WhatJapanThinks/~3/jB7rVdJxTbI/

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