মঙ্গলবার, ১১ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Automotive News, Auto News and Trends from Automotive Digest ...

What Art Spinella Has to Say about August Used Vehicle Retail Sales


At the begin?ning of each month, CNW Research releases sales fig?ures track?ing retail used car sales by fran?chised deal?ers, inde?pen?dents, and pri?vate party (casual sales), which makes for a huge part of US auto?sales.

Guess which seg?ment took the first, sec?ond, and third place posi?tions for retail used car sales vol?ume?

Pri?vate party sales had a great month, but one of the two other mar?ket seg?ments saw a big drop in?sales?

Mobile devices used for used-car shop?ping is mak?ing for a siz?able por?tion of customers?

Do you want to read all of CNW Research?s sta?tis?tics and analy?sis of retail used car sales in August includ?ing sub-prime buy?ers ? Then, click here??


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