সোমবার, ১৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Paper Flowers. - Finally saw THE AVENGERS...

...and I honestly can't say anything more coherent outside HOLY SHIT AMAZING.

Things I loved:

-The dialogue. Seriously, considering that we have Joss Whedon writing, we've got a lot of great lines. It's really hard to pick, but some of my favorites include Jonah not being a role model, as well as this exchange:

LOKI: I have an army.

TONY STARK: We have a Hulk.

Speaking of which...

-Though pretty much everyone fucking *owned* in this movie, Tony Stark was one of my favorites. Seriously. He's always been one of my favorites (at least in the movies; I am...not really a comic book reader, normally), but here? He just owned. His talk with Loki, for example -- I mean, you've got someone facing down Loki, of all beings, without so much as batting an eyelash. Not to mention his line: "If we can't protect the earth, you'll be damned well sure we'll avenge it." Not to mention him flying the fucking missile into the heart of the Tesseract before Black Widow closes the breach.

-Speaking of Black Widow, her scene with Loki...holy *shit*. 0.0. I'm going to be free to say that Loki Hannibal Lecturing her really honest to God scared me. Massive kudos to her for not actually losing her cool.?

-Also, Banner chasing after her as the Hulk. Holy *shit*. 0.0. Had to LOL afterwards at that one guy helping Banner out after he changes back from being the Hulk, mostly when he asked if Banner was an alien. It was funny in a really weird way.?

-Also really loved the scene with Black Widow helping Banner out after that whole freak out with the Hulk.

-The Hulk also really, really kicked ass in the climactic fight. I mean, my God! :D Especially what with him royally *beating the shit* out of Loki.

-Speaking of Loki, Tom Hiddleston was absolutely amazing as him. I was actually thinking of seeing THOR if only for him -- I know someone once said that he really liked Loki in THOR just because he was a villain with actual motivations for his actions. And I agree. And in the AVENGERS, I loved the scenes between him and Thor, especially when Thor is just pleading for him to leave the dream of seizing power behind and come back home to Asgard. I...seriously, Chris Hemsworth was absolutely magnificent in that scene.

-The action scenes were fucking *awesome*. Especially that climactic fight in the city against the Tesseract and all its monsters.

-Coulson's death... *Sniffles* Especially in regards to what they say about him next: he died believing in heroes. And even in his last moments how he went out defying Loki. Seriously, awesome.

-I also love the fight in the beginning, what with the fledgling Avengers team kicking ass and taking names. Especially Captain America -- he was awesome! And the quote earlier, with one old man refusing to kneel before Loki because he won't kneel before men like him:

LOKI: There are no men like me.

OLD MAN: There are always men like you.?

+ And the fight between Iron Man and Thor before Captain America breaks it up -- not just because it was very well-done, but because of the sheer emotion behind it in regards to their contrasting goals. Iron Man's mostly trying to get Loki back and thus the Tesseract, while Thor's trying to help Loki.?

* And subsequently, Thor's fight against Loki during the climax.?

+ Honestly, I think amongst my favorite scenes were pretty much everything between Thor and Loki. Seriously.

-Also love Loki's line after he wakes up and finds himself surrounded by the Avengers: "If it's that important to you, I'll have that drink now."

-Also loved the news recap. And yay, a Stan Lee cameo! :D?

-Honestly, all of the ending scene was just...awesome. :3 Hell, the whole movie was just awesome.?

Only Bad Things:

-Didn't stay for the end credits scenes. Hopefully some other time.

So honestly? Loved THE AVENGERS, so very much. Definitely recommend. :3?

Source: http://ladyhadhafang.livejournal.com/322308.html

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