বুধবার, ৩১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Cell phones spammed with anti-gay, anti-Obama messages | theGrio

Anti-Obama text messages from an anonymous source hit hundreds of voters? phones Tuesday night.

Politico reports one message read, ?Voting for Obama means voting for same-sex marriage.? Others include ?Obama stole $716 Billion in Medicare. We cant [sic] trust Obama to protect our seniors,? ?Obama is using your tax dollars to fund Planned Parenthood and abortions. Is that right?? and ?VP Biden mocks a fallen Navy Seal during memorial. Our military deserves better.?

Many of the recipients tweeted screenshots of their messages. Jim Spellman, a reporter for CNN, tweeted, ?A new low for these political campaigns: text messages? Please give us a break!?

Not much is known about the source of these messages except that they come from addresses like republicanett.com, votegopett.com, aiccomett.com and informedett.com, which suggest the texts may have been sent from the Internet, not from phones. Searches of the domain names show they were registered in February, but information on the owners is blocked.

Not only is it difficult to determine who is sending the texts, but the legality of the issue isn?t easy to discern either. The Federal Communications Commission prohibits text spams, but it seems whoever is behind this organized campaign is using the loophole of sending e-mails to phone numbers.

Last week, the FCC made the announcement that it would begin taking comments until November 23 on a petition that aims to ban Internet-to-phone messaging as a form of auto-dialing.

The person behind the petition, Scott Goodstein, a former Obama 2008 online external director and founder of Revolution Messaging, a digital campaign consultant firm, criticized the anti-Obama spam as ?modern day push-polling.?

?These abuses threaten what is a very promising technology of text messaging for political engagement,? he told?Politico. ?People did not opt-in to receive these messages and ultimately end up having to pay the cost for this unwanted misinformation that appeared on their mobile phone.?

The messages also don?t seem to be well-targeted. Among the people who reported to have received them are hardcore Democrats, children and residents in non-battleground areas.

New York Times congressional correspondent Jonathan Weisman?s 13-year-old daughter was one of the recipients. She received the message: ?Obama denies protection to babies who survive abortions. Obama is just wrong.?

Weisman replied on Twitter, ?Hey sms@gopmessage.com, not cool texting my daughter your little hit piece. I?d like you to stop it.?

Follow Ugonna on Twitter at?@ugonnaokpalaoka

Source: http://thegrio.com/2012/10/31/cell-phones-spammed-with-anti-gay-anti-obama-messages/

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Prehistoric Transylvanian mammal had blood-red teeth

SMALL, with oversized blood-red incisors, and down the road from Dracula's lair to boot. To coincide with Halloween, we bring you Barbatodon transylvanicus, a 70-million-year-old mammal that scurried beneath the feet of dinosaurs. The discovery of a new skull, complete with teeth, gives the first clues to its diet.

Barbatodon lived in what is now Transylvania, Romania, about 200 kilometres from the castle of the bloodthirsty medieval prince Vlad Dracula. It was roughly the size of a rat and belonged to a little-known group of mammals called multituberculates that outlived the dinosaurs, then died out 35 million years ago.

Thierry Smith of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels and Vlad Codrea of the University of Babes-Bolyai in Romania, who found the fossil, shown below, say that its red tooth enamel is 3 per cent iron, which probably made it more resistant to abrasion.

Smith presented the findings at the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina, last month.

So what did the diminutive mammal eat? In the new fossil, its teeth look most like those of some modern-day shrews. That suggests it may have been partial to a meal of insects. Not so much bloodsucker, then, as insect crusher.

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Capital Model Embeddedness | GCCapitalIdeas.com

Paul Silberbush, Managing Director

Capital models are becoming more and more ?embedded? into property and casualty (re)insurers? business processes. These models are typically constructed with two distinct and often contrasting purposes: 1) measuring capital for rating agency and/or regulatory requirements and 2) risk management and strategic business planning.

In Europe, property and casualty (re)insurers have greatly increased their use of internal capital models. While best practices in enterprise risk management (ERM) have always been a motivating factor, the ultimate driving force for their use has really been requirements around the Solvency II regime.

Because internal models need to ?accurately represent an insurer?s risks and the interaction of those risks,? the models have become increasingly complex and unwieldy, at the expense of utility around flexibility, responsiveness and speed.

Contrast this increase in complexity against the concept of the ?use test.? This requires companies to use their models to make business decisions in areas such as strategic planning or evaluation of reinsurance options. The models are not to be used solely in the setting of capital levels for regulatory purposes.

In the United States companies have been focusing on the use of capital models primarily as part of a set of best practices in the deployment of ERM. More recently, another factor prompting interest in capital modeling has been the views of the rating agencies. They are increasingly assessing a company?s readiness and/or actual implementation of a capital model as a qualitative component of the rating process. Finally, the United States is clearly moving towards a regulatory framework involving internal models, as seen by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners? (NAIC) model act on Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA), which is targeted to be effective in January 2015. The Model Act as it stands now will exclude carriers under USD500 million in premium and groups under USD1 billion in premium. It is conceivable, however, that smaller companies may be subject to similar regulations at a future time.

While nothing in the NAIC Guidance Manual refers to a ?use test,? there are numerous hints within that the regulator will be looking for evidence of the practice of ERM - insurers should have sound processes for assessing capital adequacy and the process should be integrated into the company?s management and decision-making culture.

Guy Carpenter is already seeing unprecedented interest in internal risk and capital models and software platforms from our U.S. clients and we expect the trend to continue. We are uniquely positioned to provide industry-leading advisory services to our clients via both our intellectual capital contributions and industry-leading modeling software.

For their use in business decision making, internal models need to be far simpler, faster, flexible and more transparent than many of those that are in use now.

MetaRisk? is Guy Carpenter?s proprietary risk and capital modeling platform. It is a fast and powerful desktop application that is flexible enough be the platform for a company?s model(s) that may be used for strategic planning and reinsurance evaluations, measuring risk for internal ERM best practices and measuring capital for rating agency and regulatory requirements.

MetaRisk ReserveTM is a powerful Excel-based add-in that may be used to measure reserve risk including hidden inflationary trends, and it may be used as a stand-alone tool to measure reserve volatility to ultimate or provide the needed one-year measures that seamlessly feed into a full capital model, such as one built in MetaRisk.

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Statements concerning tax, accounting, legal or regulatory matters should be understood to be general observations based solely on our experience as reinsurance brokers and risk consultants, and may not be relied upon as tax, accounting, legal or regulatory advice, which we are not authorized to provide. All such matters should be reviewed with your own qualified advisors in these areas.

Source: http://www.gccapitalideas.com/2012/10/30/capital-model-embeddedness/

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Communications Networks and NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover ...

The author of this article, Brian Palmer, discusses how NASA has set up the communications network and information system for the Curiosty Rover, so that information may be adequately sent to, and received from the Rover in a timely manner. As a high-profile NASA mission, the project?s engineers have designed the information network with fail-safes in mind, by creating multiple relay components to transmit information between the Rover and mission control back on Earth.

To explain the layout of this network, one can split the separate components of the network (or the nodes), into four different groups. The first is NASA mission control, or simply NASA. From this node, there are different lines of communication (directed edges), leading to the different parts of the Deep Space Network, which include three major hubs in the Mojave Desert, Spain, and another in Australia). There are probably directed edges between all three, but for convenience?s sake, let us consider directed edges going from both Spain and Australia to the Mojave node (after all, it would make sense that the central space telecommunications hub be out in the desert, where there is less likely to be interference). Next, all three of the Deep Space Network nodes would have directed edges leading to Curiosity itself. Finally, directed edges would lead from Curiosity to a pair of orbiters circling around Mars, named Odyssey and Reconnaissance (these in turn, would have directed edges pointing back to NASA?s node). By observing the path of these directed edges, one can see that these nodes and their respective pathways form a strongly connected network ? that is, any information at any one node in the network can move to any another node in the network via a series of pathways.

For a mission such as the Curiosity Rover, a strongly connected network is crucial for being able to relay information both TO and FROM the Rover. To relay information to the Rover, there are three separate hubs, so that if there is any problem at one or two of the nodes, there is always a third one. Also, having more than one hub allows information to be split up and dispersed along separate edges (if there are traffic limitations applied to specific edges, maximizing the dispersion along different routes, as we did with the traffic example earlier this semester, would be ideal).? This also applies to relaying information back to the main NASA node ? Curiosity can parse and send the data along both of the orbiter?s paths. Finally, one could imagine a situation where information is being sent in a constant steady, or equilibrium state, amongst these nodes, along all available edges. According to the previous explanation, and by using equilibrium dispersion by assigning value ?a? to NASA?s node, and setting the summation of all values equal to zero:

a+(a/3)+(a/3)+(2a/3)+a+(a/2)+(a/2)=1; (13a)/3=1; a=3/13

The equilibrium numerical values in this case indicate the amount of information at/passing through the hub during equilibrium. Relay hubs ?Spain,? and ?Australia,? have equal values of 1/13, while the central relay hub in the Mojave has a value of 2/13, and the orbiter nodes (Odyssey and Reconnaissance), have values of 3/26. Interestingly enough, both NASA ground command and Curiosity have the same equilibrium values ? this would seem to make sense, as all the information passed from the ground to ends up at the satellite, and in response to the received commands, the satellite sends a proportional amount of information back to the ground to be received.

Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/mars-rover-gets-instructions-daily-from-nasa-via-a-network-of-antennae/2012/10/29/60e6e040-1c65-11e2-ad90-ba5920e56eb3_story.html


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Source: http://blogs.cornell.edu/info2040/2012/10/29/communications-networks-and-nasas-curiosity-mars-rover/

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মঙ্গলবার, ৩০ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Creators of SuicideGirls.com Launch Let?s Date

এই সারসংক্ষেপটি পাওয়া যাবে না। পোস্ট দেখার জন্য এখানে ক্লিক করুন

FreedomPop ships its 4G-enabling iPod touch case, lets us nearly go phoneless for $99

FreedomPop ships its 4Genabling iPod touch case, lets us nearly go phoneless for $99

FreedomPop's gamble on free WiMAX data launched in beta at the start of month, but early adopters had to be contented with conventional hotspots and modems at first; those of us with a fixation on data-only cellular handsets had to keep waiting. We can stay slightly cooler-headed now that the provider is shipping its iPod touch 4G Sleeve. Shelling out $99 grafts a 4G hotspot to the back of the fourth-generation media player that gives it independence from WiFi as well as connection sharing with eight other devices -- at least, for anyone willing to burn through that 500MB of free monthly data in record time. About the only catches are the $10 per gigabyte overage fee and a design that's just slightly behind the times for iPod addicts. While some of us will still cling to smartphones for coverage or legacy reasons, others who mostly communicate through Instagram food photos could have that excuse they need to drop cellular phone service once and for all.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/29/freedompop-ships-its-4g-enabling-ipod-touch-case/

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Video: Sandy Hits Land, as a Non-Tropical Storm

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সোমবার, ২৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Obese Teens Face Higher Risk For Kidney DiseaseYour Health ...

From US News & World Report?..

Obese and overweight teens may be at higher risk for developing advanced kidney disease as adults, Israeli researchers report.

If, however, they lose weight their chances may be lowered, experts say.

?This study comes as close as one can to predicting that losing weight can reduce the risk of kidney disease,? said Dr. Kirsten Johansen, a professor in the division of nephrology at the University of California, San Francisco.

Johansen, who wrote an accompanying editorial with the study, said that ?this gives us one more reason we need to address childhood obesity and overweight, but it?s hard to do.?

There isn?t an easy solution to the obesity epidemic, but if it can be halted, fewer people will develop heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes, she said.

Johansen, however, is optimistic. ?The rate of obesity and overweight has gone up quickly in our kids. If we can turn this around, it could go down quickly as well,? she said. ?I?m not saying it?s easy. It?s easier to get kids to drink soda than eat vegetables.?

The report was published online Oct. 29 in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

For the study, a team led by Dr. Asaf Vivante, of the Edmond and Lily Safra Children?s Hospital, Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer, collected data on almost 1.2 million 17-year-olds who were examined before service in the Israeli military between January 1967 and December 1997. The researchers then linked these teens to the Israeli end-stage kidney disease registry.

Over 30 years of follow-up, they found more than 700 men and 160 women developed end-stage kidney disease.

Vivante?s group estimated being overweight or obese and being treated for diabetes increased the risk of developing end-stage kidney disease. The risk was increased sixfold for those who were overweight and 19 times for those who were obese, the researchers reported.

To read the full story?..Click here

Source: http://www.lensaunders.com/wp/?p=6104

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Kanex Sydnee

For many, the $149 (direct) Kanex Sydnee will seem like a superfluous item?who needs to be able to charge three iPads or other tablets simultaneously? Well, as Apple made clear in its latest iPad event, tablets are finding their way into more and more classrooms and businesses. That means multiple iPads in a single location, all of which will need regular juicing.?For those applications, the Sydnee makes sense, with a clean design that makes it easy to cradle and charge up to four devices, eliminating the mess of cables and lack of available power outlets. And though it's designed with iDevices in mind, the bring-your-own-cable design means it'll work with just about any USB powered device.?It's a little pricey, but if organization is a key concern, the Sydnee is a good solution.

Like many Apple-centric accessories, the Sydnee, available in black or white, adheres to a clean and modern design aesthetic. The smooth lines and glossy finish are attractive, but the stand is constructed from all plastic, so there's a little flex and rattle when you're swapping tablets in and out, but overall, it feels sturdy. There's a small lip on the front of the stand and an interior space that's separated into two compartments by a clear plastic divider. The stand can easily cradle three iPads, even in moderately bulky cases, and there's some rubber padding in the cradle spots, but not enough to fully protect your iPad if the stand gets jostled.


Around back are four USB ports, each delivering 2.1 amps of power, which is sufficient for all iPads, iPhones, and pretty much any USB-powered tablet or smartphone. Kanex includes three 16-inch 30-pin Apple cables, which, of course, won't be compatible with the 4th-generation iPad or the iPad mini without adapters. Fortunately, since the cables aren't built in, you can bring your own cable or add an adapter as necessary. There's a plastic arm on the back of the stand to wrap lengthy cords around, while a slotted rubber piece up top lets you thread and organize all the cables. A power cord extends from the back of the stand, which occupy a single power outlet.

In my tests, the Sydnee was able to charge three iPads simultaneously, with the fourth USB port open for, say, an iPhone or another USB-powered device. It also worked with various Android powered tablets. You'll only be able to use the outermost tablet while docked, and only in landscape orientation, since there is no cutout for the power adapter on the front lip.

At $150, the Kanex Sydnee does seem somewhat overpriced since it's essentially a 4-port USB hub (which you can get for about $20 online), married to a simple plastic tablet cradle. Still, you get three 30-pin cables in the box, and if you have multiple iPads or other tablets in a single location, the Sydnee will make storing and charging them an easy and organized affair. Otherwise, the appeal is, admittedly, a bit limited.?

More Accessory Reviews:
??? Kanex Sydnee
??? Belkin Chef Stand + Stylus
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?? more

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/_PzyN2bvcQw/0,2817,2411369,00.asp

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Food Safety Tips For Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Sandy is already making an impact on the North Eastern coast, and being prepared for a storm as large as this is crucial. Even if you think that her wrath will not affect you (or that the media has once again over-hyped a storm) it's best to be prepared.

Stocking up on candles, batteries and bottled water is important, but you should also be aware of food safety concerns in the event of a power outage or flood. There are a number of small steps, recommended by the USDA, that you can take which will make a world of difference in a worst-case scenario. Read them listed below:


  • Use an appliance thermometer in the fridge and freezer to help determine if food is safe for consumption in the event of a power outage.

  • The temperature for the fridge should be at 40 degrees or lower and the freezer at 0 degrees or lower.

  • Grouping together your food in the freezer will help the food stay colder longer.

  • Consider freezing leftover items that you won't need immediately, such as deli meats and milk. This will help keep these items at a safer temperature longer.

  • Have ice in the freezer in case the power goes out. A cooler with ice will allow you to prolong the life of your food. If you don't have a cooler, you can also use the ice to keep the refrigerator cool.

  • Fill containers with water and store in the freezer. Not only can this help keep the freezer cooler longer, but it can also serve as a back-up water supply.

  • For pantry items, store all food on higher shelves in case of flooding.

  • As the storm approaches, turn down the temperature of the fridge and freezer to the max to make it as cold as possible. Don't forget to turn it back once the threat passes.

  • If the power goes out, open the fridge and freezer as little as possible. Opening the doors allows the cool air to escape. A refrigerator will keep food cold for about 4 hours if you keep the door closed. A full freezer will keep cool for 48 hours and a half full freezer will keep cool for 24 hours.

Precautions in the event of a power outage:

  • Check the temperature of both the fridge and freezer.

  • If you don't have a way to read the temperature in the freezer, check each package. If the food contains water crystals, then it may still be safe.

  • Discard all perishable foods that have been kept in a fridge or freezer above 40 degrees for more than two hours, bacteria can multiply rapidly between 40 and 140 degrees.

  • Discard any food that is not in a waterproof container if there's a chance it came in contact with flood waters. Also discard wooden cutting boards, plastic utensils, baby bottle nipples and pacifiers if they may have been in contact with flood waters.

  • Wash all metal pans, ceramic plates and utensils that may have come into contact with flood waters with hot soapy water. Sanitize by boiling them in clean water or by immersing them for 15 minutes in a solution of 1 tablespoon of unscented, liquid chlorine bleach per gallon of drinking water.

  • Use only bottled water that has not been exposed to flood waters. If you don't have bottle water, you can boil tap water for safe use.

  • Never, ever, taste food to determine its safety.

For more informatino check out the FDA website for food safety in the event of an emergency.

If you're planning on cooking before the storm, here at 10 recommended recipes.

  • Smoky Minestrone with Tortellini

    The smokiness of the bacon permeates the minestrone, imbuing the tomatoey broth with a depth of flavor it wouldn't have otherwise. - Amanda and Merrill <br><em><strong><a href="http://www.food52.com/recipes/4661_smoky_minestrone_with_tortellini_and_parsley_or_basil_pesto" target="_hplink">Get the recipe</a></strong>.</em> <br><em>Photo: Sarah Shatz</em>

  • Lentil and Sausage Soup for a Cold Winter's Night

    The beauty of this soup is that it manages to be soul-warming but not overly heavy. - Amanda and Merrill <br><em><strong><a href="http://www.food52.com/recipes/2348_lentil_and_sausage_soup_for_a_cold_winters_night" target="_hplink">Get the recipe</a></strong>.</em> <br><em>Photo: Sarah Shatz</em>

  • Sara's Granola Bars

    They're chewy and rich, a jumble of nuts, cereal, seeds and dried fruit barely held together with almond butter and honey (no baking involved). - Merrill <br><em><strong><a href="http://food52.com/recipes/12067_saras_granola_bars" target="_hplink">Get the recipe</a></strong>.</em> <br><em>Photo: Sarah Shatz</em>

  • Jean-George's Ginger Fried Rice

    Jean-George Vongerichten brings us a world-brightening fried rice you could have right now -- not tomorrow -- if you really wanted. - Genius Recipes <br><em><strong><a href="http://food52.com/recipes/19490_jeangeorges_ginger_fried_rice" target="_hplink">Get the recipe</a></strong>.</em> <br><em>Photo: Linda Xiao</em>

  • Mujaddara with Spiced Yogurt

    Rumor has it that Mujaddara is not only good, but good for you too (apparently, the combination of lentils, onions and yogurt wields near magical powers -- especially for women). - Amanda and Merrill <br><em><strong><a href="http://food52.com/recipes/8565_mujaddara_with_spiced_yogurt" target="_hplink">Get the recipe</a></strong>.</em> <br><em>Photo: Sarah Shatz</em>

  • Linguine with Sardines, Fennel & Tomato

    This simple, pantry dinner (the only thing you may have to shop for is the fennel) packs a punch with just a few ingredients. - Amanda and Merrill <br><em><strong><a href="http://food52.com/recipes/9065_linguine_with_sardines_fennel_tomato" target="_hplink">Get the recipe</a></strong>.</em> <br><em>Photo: Sarah Shatz</em>

  • Crispy Salt & Pepper French Toast

    It still pairs well with eggs and bacon, but (dare we say it?) this french toast would also make a mean Monte Cristo. - Amanda and Merrill <br><em><strong><a href="http://food52.com/recipes/7030_crispy_salt_and_pepper_french_toast" target="_hplink">Get the recipe</a></strong>.</em> <br><em>Photo: Sarah Shatz</em>

  • World's Easiest Falafel and Tzaziki

    We'd never made falafel from scratch before and were astonished at how easy -- and fun -- it could be. - Amanda and Merrill <br><em><strong><a href="http://food52.com/recipes/11921_worlds_easiest_falafel_and_tzatziki" target="_hplink">Get the recipe</a></strong>.</em> <br><em>Photo: Sarah Shatz</em>

  • Tartine with Mustard, Mayo and Mashed Avocado

    Sometimes I need to be reminded of the simple not-quite-recipes that are just as pleasing as an elaborate feast. - Amanda <br><em><strong><a href="http://food52.com/recipes/5115_tartine_with_mustard_mayo_and_mashed_avocado_and_radishes_with_butter_and_salt" target="_hplink">Get the recipe</a></strong>.</em> <br><em>Photo: Sarah Shatz</em>

  • Le French Tuna Salad Sandwich

    A decidedly Nicoise tuna salad is pressed between two garlic and oil slicked halves of a baguette and left in the fridge overnight, which allows all of the juices to soak into the bread. - Amanda and Merrill <br><em><strong><a href="http://food52.com/recipes/6896_pan_bagnat_le_french_tuna_salad_sandwich" target="_hplink">Get the recipe</a></strong>.</em> <br><em>Photo: Sarah Shatz</em>

Related on HuffPost:

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/29/food-safety_n_2038763.html

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Website Marketing Tips For The World&#39;s Entrepreneurs - KurtTasche ...

Website Marketing Tips For The World?s Entrepreneurs

Some businesses grow into something huge, and others enjoy moderate success. Unfortunately, most businesses will fail. The majority of new businesses fail in the first year of start up. The failure rate is even higher among online businesses. Read the following article to keep your business from failing and learn some Internet promotion tips.

Posting press releases are great ways to boost traffic for your Web marketing. If you have a knack for writing clear, concise information, it is easy to get that information published on the web. The materials will then be released to a carefully selected audience. The is a good way to get your name out there.

You can find many email marketing services that can help you succeed in affiliate marketing, but it?s better just to do it yourself. Once you understand how the process works, it becomes simple to use bulk mailing lists, auto responders and mass mailers. The added bonus is that you will have the knowledge, so it will be easier and easier, each time you do it.

Remember that your customers deserve an online experience as customer friendly as the service you provide them in-store. If you run tests on the content of your site to make sure everything is going smoothly it will ensure your customers are getting top notch customer service. When a customer cannot get in the front door of a store, they do not shop there. This is the same for a buggy site.

Focus on building a quality site before you worry about marketing it and obtaining a ranking. All online businesses should begin with this idea. If you have a good website, you will have less work in the future.

Whenever you are just starting out, do not take on too much, rather you should start small. Search engines with less indexed pages will be more apt to list your site, rather than the SEO?s that have a million or so indexed pages.

You are fully capable of having a successful web marketing business right now. Expensive tools of the trade that promise you can get rich quick are not what will prove important. Instead, rely on good, old-fashioned, hard work and imagination. Success can be realized through hard work and wise marketing decisions.

Your site?s purpose is identified by the tag above it, so choose it carefully. This tag will explain in a small blurb what your website is all about. An audience member will determine in a matter of seconds whether or not your website is worth their time based upon that tag. Misinformation or confusing information will cause readers to leave your website.

One of the things that you can do when marketing online to encourage your visitors to buy from you is to give them discounted prices. All you need to do is show discounted pricing next to the regular prices. Another way to entice a purchase is by saying that if they buy now, the price will be half off.

People who generate small sales will find that the Internet is extremely competitive. Do not just set prices and let them sit. Keep your finger on the pulse of the market and adjust prices as needed. Consider setting up your own Internet store as a means to allow customers to find all your products in one place.

The only benefit to a business failing is more room for your company. If you want to be a successful online business owner, don?t be afraid to fail, work hard and employ some of the easy tips found above.

Source: http://kurttasche.com/internet-marketing-articles/website-marketing-tips-for-the-worlds-entrepreneurs.html

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রবিবার, ২৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Hurricane Sandy grounds thousands of flights

(AP) ? Airlines hastily canceled flights in the Northeast Sunday as Hurricane Sandy moved up the coast. The massive storm threatens to bring a near halt to air travel for at least two days in a key region for both domestic and international flights.

Major carriers such as American Airlines, JetBlue and Delta planned Sunday night to cancel all flights into and out of three area airports in New York, the nation's busiest airspace. Delays rippled across the U.S. and the Atlantic, affecting travelers in cities such as San Francisco, Chicago and Paris.

Cancellations are mounting. According to the flight-tracking service FlightAware, more than 7,200 flights had been canceled for Sunday and Monday as of late Sunday evening. Both Philadelphia International Airport and Newark International Airport, a hub for United Airlines, each had more than 1,200 cancellations for the two days.

The disruption spread to Asia where numerous airlines canceled or rescheduled flights to New York and Washington from cities such as Tokyo, Hong Kong and Seoul, South Korea. Flight cancelations from European cities also mounted.

At New York's LaGuardia on Sunday, crowds filled the American Airlines terminal near midday, with families sitting on the floor waiting for a flight out ? any flight out. A few travelers were sitting at a bar having a beer, watching football. Others nervously paced before flight information boards showing canceled flights, hoping their flight wouldn't be added to that list. It was almost double the normal crowd. Travelers were calm, but anxious.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which runs five airports in the area, said it expects all carriers to cease operations Sunday night. It advised passengers to check with their carriers before heading to the airport.

Passengers on Sunday were reporting multi-hour wait times at airline call centers.

Eileen Merberg, 50, was booked on a United flight from her home in Rochester, N.Y. to New Orleans, connecting at Washington D.C.'s Dulles airport.

First, the airline sent her an automated message via email saying that her Washington flight was canceled and that she had been rebooked on a flight through Newark. About an hour later that flight was canceled. Another email informed her she was rebooked through Chicago.

By that point, she already had told the higher education conference that she was scheduled to speak at that she wouldn't be coming. She tried to cancel her flight but United's phone lines were jammed. First she waited 62 minutes before her phone battery died. After recharging, she then spent 45 minutes on hold before a recording told her it would be at least another hour before a customer service employee would be available.

"Then I hung up," Merberg said.

Sandy is expected to make landfall Monday, likely in New Jersey. Already, nearly 5,600 flights have been canceled, more than 2,500 of those at Newark, LaGuardia Kennedy airports, according to FlightAware.

A spokesman for United Airlines parent United Continental Holdings Inc. said the carrier has suspended an unspecified number of flights to New York and Washington-area airports beginning Sunday evening with plans to resume Tuesday as conditions permit.

JetBlue Airways Corp., which flies out of JFK, said it has canceled more than 1,000 flights from Sunday through Wednesday morning.

American Airlines and American Eagle canceled 140 flights Sunday and canceled another 1,431 flights Monday through Wednesday due to Hurricane Sandy, the company said.

US Airways said it had suspended all operations at the three New York airports Sunday evening and Monday and at Philadelphia and Washington on Monday.

Disruptions on the East Coast of the U.S. also impact international carriers. Air France has canceled four Monday flights into JFK and two departures. Lufthansa canceled three flights to the Northeast and one flight out of Newark.

South Korean flag carrier Korean Air delayed a flight scheduled to leave Incheon International Airport for JFK on Monday by 22 hours. Asiana Airlines delayed its JFK flight from Seoul by 26 hours. Hong Kong's Cathay canceled two Monday flights to New York. A total of 8 flights out of Tokyo's Narita International Airport to New York, Newark and Washington were canceled.

Sandy, a Category 1 hurricane with sustained winds of 75 mph as of Sunday afternoon, was blamed for 65 deaths in the Caribbean before it began churning up the Eastern Seaboard. It was expected to hook left toward the mid-Atlantic coast and come ashore late Monday or early Tuesday, most likely in New Jersey, colliding with a wintry storm moving in from the west and cold air streaming down from the Arctic. Experts say the rare hybrid storm that results will cause havoc over 800 miles from the East Coast to the Great Lakes.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2012-10-28-Superstorm-Airlines/id-9addd34641ab44be814a32045819598a

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Sara Coleridge: Wife of an Opium Eater By Cheryl Bolen | The Beau ...

Samuel Taylor Coleridge was one of the leading poets of the Romantic Movement in England. Yet, it turns out he was anything but romantic as a husband. Today, Cheryl Bolen tells us what life was like for his long-suffering wife, Sara.

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When Sara Coleridge, alone and with no attendants, delivered herself of her first son (Hartley) eleven months after her 1795 marriage to poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, little did she know this was the first of many calamities she would face alone. During the four decades of their marriages STC (as he called himself) never made enough money to support his family, never owned a home, and lived with his wife (on and off) less than six years. Much of the time he lived with her he took to his bed, complaining of various maladies ? and consuming ever-increasing quantities of opium.

In addition to all these abuses, Sara has been unfairly maligned by her husband?s friends and biographers and most unjustly by her husband himself. Her detractors paint her as a shrew and claim the only reason STC married her was because fellow poet Robert Southey urged him to do so in order to embark on a "pantisocratic" society with eleven other couples in the American colonies. Southey was to wed Sarah?s sister Edith Fricker, and fellow Pantisocrat Robert Lovell was to marry another Fricker sister, Mary. (Sara dropped the H from her first name after her marriage to please her husband.)

While it is likely true that STC was not deeply in love with Sara when he proposed, by the time they married a year later, he was convinced of his potent love for her.

In the year of their betrothal, all plans for embarking on their Pantisocratic society fizzled away, but the three couples married anyway. During STC?s and Sara?s betrothal, STC spent many weeks away from Bristol?many weeks in which Sara received no correspondence from her fianc?. His absence must have made her attachment to him more ardent for when Southey fetched him in London and brought him back to Bristol, STC was astonished and flattered over her affection toward him. A true courtship ensued.

"Coleridge assured me that his marriage was ?forced upon him by the scrupulous Southey," said Thomas DeQuincey. "On the other hand, a neutral spectator of the parties protested to me that if ever in his life he had seen a man under deep fascination, and what he would have called desperately in love, Coleridge, in relation to Miss F., was that man."

STC wrote poetry to her and after they married wrote, "On Sunday I was married?united to the woman whom I love best of all created Beings?Mrs. Coleridge?MRS. COLERIDGE?I like to write the name."

Prior to the wedding he and Southey had a falling out. Southey was beginning to understand STC?s "indolence," a euphanism of the day for addiction to laudanum. His addiction made his behavior erratic, made him miss scheduled lectures for which he was being paid, and made him generally unreliable.

A pity Sara was not cognizant of these things before the marriage.

The Coleridge?s first home was a cottage in the village of Clevedon on the Bristol Channel. The rent was five pounds a year. Their first purchase for their new home was an Elonian harp which STC immortalized in a poem by that name. After two days of habitation, the couple realized they could not live by harp alone. Coleridge wrote his printer to request a kettle, carpet brush, mats, candlesticks, pair of slippers, Bible, keg of porter, spices, raisins, currants, a flour dredge, and catsup.

The Coleridges lived in the cottage less than two months. The cottage was too far from Bristol, forcing STC to spend the night in Bristol on days he walked (since he was too poor to own a horse) to the city?s library. Sara disliked spending the night alone in their remote cottage.

They next resided with life-long friend Thomas Poole at Nether-Stowey, where the Coleridges soon leased a cottage nearby. Never one to care about money, STC found himself having to face the reality of providing for his wife and the child she was now carrying. His printer paid him one and a half guineas for every 100 lines of poetry, and Poole secured pledges from Coleridge supporters to give STC a "testimonial" for six years, the testimonial disguising charity.

The cottage, located near Nether-Stowey?s main gutter, sat on six acres and consisted of two living rooms on either side of a dark passage, a small kitchen-scullery in the rear, three small bedrooms upstairs, and an earth-closet privy in the garden. There was no heating except for the open fireplaces which required expensive fuel and cumbersome chopping of kindling. All the cooking had to be done at the open hearth where Sara was forced to lift the heavy iron pots to set on trivets or to suspend them from hooks. Water had to be fetched from the pump, and hot water had to be heated over the fire. Wash day occurred every other week and was an arduous undertaking. A baby necessitated even more washing, and diapers had to be dried on clothes horses set around the fire and a drying rack suspended above the fire. Other chores weighing down Sara were darning and mending clothes and sewing new ones, cleaning house and keeping oil lamps filled.

A list STC drew up to allocate the work reads thus:

Six o?clock. Light the fires. Clean out kitchen. Put on Tea kettle. Clean the insides of boiling pot. Shoes &c C&B (the C for STC and the B for their nursemaid, who soon quit)

Eight o?clock. Tea things and c. Put out and c. after cleaned up. Sara

One o?clock. Spit the meat. B&C

Two o?clock. Vegetables and c. Sara.

Three o?clock?Dinner.

Half past three ? 10 minutes for cleaning dishes

Sara calculated that with economy ? including forgoing meat ? they could live on sixteen shillings a week. This did not prove to be the case. Nor were they vegetarians for long.

At this time 21-year-old Charles Lloyd, the epileptic son of a Quaker Birmingham banker, became enthralled with Coleridge, and his father agreed to pay Coleridge 80 guineas a year to mentor his son, who was to come live with the expanding Coleridge household.

While Coleridge was finalizing these plans with the senior Lloyd in Birmingham Sara delivered the first of their four children.

In addition to taking care of her baby, Sara was now hostess to young Lloyd and nursemaid to her often bed-ridden husband. (Coleridge was already addicted to morphine by the time he was an undergraduate at Cambridge.) STC was an indulgent father. "He (baby Hartley) laughs at us till he make us weep for very fondness," STC wrote. "You would smile to see my eye rolling up to the ceiling in a lyric fury, and on my knee a Diaper pinned."

Ill-health beset STC each fall when the cold weather came, and when he became incapacitated, so did Lloyd, who eventually had to be placed in a sanatorium, leaving the Coleridges quite destitute once again.

It was at this time STC was to begin his association with William Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy. This relationship would profoundly affect STC for the rest of his life.

It was also the beginning of the end of the Coleridges? heretofore happy marriage.

STC idolized Wordsworth. He thought Wordsworth the only man he had ever met whose intellect he found greater than his own. He developed, too, a keen camaraderie with Dorothy, who was to fall in love with STC, despite that he was a married man. Though his admiration for Dorothy was great, STC was never her lover.

Twenty months after Hartley was born, Sara gave birth to a second son, Berkeley. In between the two births she had suffered a miscarriage.

When Berkeley was just weeks old, STC came into possession of a 150-pound annuity for life from the Wedgwood brothers, Josiah and Thomas. Flush in the pocket, STC decided to study in Germany. Sara and the boys would stay behind, but the Wordsworths would accompany him.

STC left his wife and babies in September, 1798. At first he missed them greatly. He wrote to his wife: "When we lost sight of land, the moment that we quite lost sight of it, & the heavens all round me rested upon the waters, my dear Babies came upon me like a flash of lightning ? I saw their faces so distinctly!" He closed the letter, "Good night, my dear, dear Sara! ? every night when I go to bed & every morning when I rise I will think of you with a yearning love, & of my blessed Babies! ? Once more my dear, dear Sara! Good night."

He kept up a regular correspondence, but did not receive any letter from her. Two months after leaving her, he wrote, "No letters from England! A Knell, that strikes out regularly four times a week?How is this my Love? Why do you not write to me? Do you mean to shorten my absence by making it insupportable to me? Or perhaps you anticipate that if I received a letter, I should idly turn away from my German to dream of you ? of you & my beloved babies! ? Oh yes! ? I should indeed dream of you for hours and hours ? and of the Infant that sucks at your breast, and of my dear, dear Hartley." He wrote the poem "The Day Dream" about his absent wife at this time.

There was good reason for Sara?s silence. Her babe had been at death?s door for weeks, owing to a faulty inoculation against small pox. Little Berkeley, acclaimed by all to have been an exceptionally beautiful baby, developed the small pox all over his body, his eyes, nose and gums. Sara said she could almost see them popping out on him. She had to hold his little hands around the clock to keep him from scratching. "He lay upon my lap like a dead child," Sara eventually wrote her husband, "burning like fire and all over he was red scarlet." He could not even cry, but he made a "horrid noise in his throat which when I dozed for a minute I always heard." The doctor came six to eight times a day. "The ladies of Stowey also visited me and wept over this little victim, affected by my complaints, and the miserable plight of the child," Sara wrote. "What I felt is impossible to write ? I had no husband to comfort me and share my grief ? perhaps the boy would die and he far away! All the responsibility of the infant?s life was upon me, and it was weight that dragged me to the earth!"

As the babe grew better, he once again wished to nurse, the consequence being that Sara got pustules on her breast which, she wrote, "swelled as big as walnuts and I could not endure him to touch me ? James Cole?s wife kindly undertook to suckle him by day, and by night we had recourse to a glass tube through which he sucked cow?s milk, tho? very reluctantly, and only when his eyes were shut."

STC?s response was, "When I read of the danger and the agony ? My dear Sara! ? my love! My Wife! ? God bless you & preserve us ? My Wife, believe and know that I plan to be home with you."

After the babe recovered from small pox and regained his former beauty, he developed consumption, and Sara had to witness her baby?s slow death. Little Berkeley, who was 14 weeks old when his father left, died at the age of 9 months on Feb. 10, 1799. The ordeal Sara endured robbed her of her once-beautiful hair. She wore a wig for the rest of her life.

In conveying the news of the baby?s death, she wrote her husband, "I am his Mother, and have carried him in my arms and have fed him at my bosom, and have watched over him by day and night for nine months; I have seen him twice at the brink of the grave but he has returned, and recovered and smiled upon me like an angel ? and now I am lamenting that he is gone.?

Sara expected her husband, upon hearing of Berkeley?s death, would be restored to her in May, but he did not hurry home. In fact, his letter to her ? lamenting death and commenting on the doctrines of Priestley ? was not comforting. He took a walking tour in Germany before coming home, arriving in England in late July.

Shortly thereafter he took a job as a political writer for the Morning News in London, and Sara and Hartley joined him there. But Coleridge never liked the city, nor did he care much for money, so soon thereafter he decided to return to the country. He wished to live near the Wordsworths in the Lake District. They began leasing a comfortable house, Greta Hall, in Keswick, Cumberland. The newly built house was large, fully furnished, and presented fine views of mountains and Lake Derwent. Their landlord, Mr. Jackson, lived in the "back house." The Wordsworths were 14 miles away at Dove Cottage.

Sara gave birth to their son, Derwent, on September 14, 1800. He was named after the nearby lake.

As winter set in and STC all too frequently made the trek to Dove Cottage on foot, he began to experience his old health complaints: stomach irritations, bowel attacks and rheumatism which STC termed the "flying gout." This, of course, necessitated more opium. With this came optical hallucinations and nightmares.

Since he was incapable of writing and since they owed money to almost all their friends, they descended once more into poverty. Meals were frugal. Rooms were cold and fireless because of lack of money for candles and coal.

The deeper he descended into his morphine mire, the more he irrationally perceived malice toward his wife. Dorothy Wordsworth, most especially, maligned Sara.

Within a year of moving to Greta Hall, the Coleridge marriage was destroyed. STC now spoke harshly of Sara, blaming everything wrong in his life on his wife. When he spoke to others, he spoke of her with contempt. Sara was quick with her hot temper, and she was becoming intolerant of his opium use. That she was no longer sympathetic when he took to his couch he perceived as proof that she did not care for him or his health.

Not understanding his "opium habit," the Wordsworths urged him to leave Sara. By this time Wordsworth had married Mary Hutchinson. A frequent visitor to Dove Cottage was Mary?s sister, Sarah Hutchinson, with whom STC now fancied himself in love. Sarah Hutchinson was very short ? not over five feet ? plump, and plain of face with a pointed chin. Other than offering him sympathy, she did not encourage Coleridge?s advances. Nevertheless, irrational from prolonged and heavy opium use, he fixated on her for the next decade, writing poems to his mythical "Asra,"a name used to disguise Miss Hutchinson?s true identity. Wife Sara was well aware of her husband?s infatuation and of their own estrangement.

But after many months of estrangement?and with coaxing from Southey (now married to Sara?s sister Edith), STC agreed to try to reclaim his marriage on the condition that his wife be more sympathetic to him and less abrasive. This she agreed to.

Sara once again got pregnant and would give birth to their only daughter, Sara. But once again she would give birth without her husband at her side.

Blaming his rheumatism on the cold climate, STC was determined to winter in a warmer climate. During his absence he wrote her, "God love you & have you in his keeping, My blessed Sara! ? & speedily restore me to you. ? I have faith, a heavenly Faith, that our future Days will be Days of Peace & affectionate Happiness. O that I were now with you! I feel it very, very hard to be from you at this trying time ? I dare not think a moment concerning you in this Relation, or I should be immediately ill. But I shall soon return ? and bring you back a confident & affectionate Husband. Again, and again, my dearest dearest Sara! ? my Wife & my Love, & indeed my very Hope/May God preserve you."

STC?s initial plan to go to Italy with Thomas Wedgewood did not come to fruition; he returned to Greta Hall shortly after little Sara?s birth and remained there ? mostly sick ? for the next year. Convinced of his imminent death, Coleridge decided he must go to Malta to restore his health and to hopefully kick his opium habit. Sara, the only person who fully understood her husband?s addiction, was in favor of this plan. The knowledge of his addiction was something they shared, a confidence Sara never betrayed. This must be what STC was speaking of when he wrote her, "In one thing, my deal Love! I do prefer you to any woman I ever knew ? I have the most unbounded confidence in your discretion."

Before he left for Malta, STC took out a life insurance policy for one thousand pounds, agreed to split the Wedgwood annuity fifty/fifty with his wife, and urged Southey and Edith to come live at Greta Hall, where Southey could be a "stand-in" parent to the three Coleridge children.

STC would not return to Greta Hall for 20 months, during which time his opium habit worsened. When he did return he abruptly announced his decision to separate from Sara and take the boys to live with him and the Wordsworths.

Sara put up a good fight. She begged to know why he wished to live separately from her, and all he could repeatedly say was she was "unfit." He was taking away her marital respectability, her sons, and she was skeptical that once he was gone he would continue to provide for her and their daughter. Eventually, with Southey?s influence, an amicable separation was agreed to. Since Derwent was but six, he stayed with his mother.

Writing to his brother about the separation, STC laid all the blame on Sara: ? "Mrs. Coleridge has a temper & general tone of feeling which after a long (and) patient trial I have found wholly incompatible with even an enduring life, & such as to preclude all chance of my ever developing the talents which my Maker has entrusted to me ? The few friends who have been Witnesses of my domestic life have long advised separation as the necessary condition of every thing desirable for me ? nor does Mrs. Coleridge herself state or pretend to any objection on the score of attachment to me; that will not look respectable for her, is the sum into which all her objections resolve themselves."

Coleridge?s brother scolded him thoroughly.

Once STC began to reside with the Wordsworths they were to discover the extent of his opium habit, a state that Southey had described thusly: ? "His habits are so murderous of all domestic comfort that I am only surprised Mrs. C. Is not rejoiced at being rid of him."

Since the Wordsworths had outgrown Dove Cottage, STC suggested they come to live at Greta Hall because he thought the Southeys would be leaving. This would, in effect, leave Sara homeless. Southey came to her rescue by informing STC he had no intentions of quitting Greta Hall. (He in fact lived there the rest of his life.)

The boys would come to spend their weekends with their father at the Wordsworths? Allan Bank and their vacations with their mother at Greta Hall. All three children were more comfortable at Greta Hall.

Approximately three years after leaving Sara, STC informed Sara he would like to come and stay with her and their daughter for a while. Southey exploded. He would not have Coleridge under his roof. At this time the landlord who lived in the back of the house died, and Sara was able to move into that portion of the house, so STC would be free to come and go without disturbing the Southeys. Sara?s correspondence from her husband at this time is marked with "My dear Love," an endearment he had not used in years.

They spent the next five months together and got along well. He never explained why he left the Wordsworths, but Dorothy Wordsworth?s word tell it all: "I know that he (STC) has not written a single line ? We have no hope of him ? his whole time and thoughts ? are employed in deceiving himself and seeking to deceive others ? This Habit pervades all his words and actions ? It has been misery, God knows, to me to see the truths which I now see."

After five months of domestic harmony but regression into his opium fog, Coleridge vowed to seek help with his "bad habit." He discussed going to an asylum in Scotland and going to London with the Montagues (whom Wordsworth warned against taking in STC), and ended up for a time with the Morgans in Hammersmith. At first he corresponded regularly and affectionately with his wife, then his old patterns reemerged and she would not hear from him for months. At this time Josiah Wedgwood withdrew his half of the Coleridge annuity, putting the Coleridge?s in dire financial straits.

With Hartley approaching college age, all Sara?s pleas to her husband to provide for their son?s education landed on deaf ears. In deep opium crisis, STC was unable to write or lecture or do anything to earn the money his family needed. It fell to his distant brothers to procure for Hartley the equivalent of a scholarship worth fifty pounds a year. This was supplemented with 40 pounds per annum from his brothers, 30 pounds per annum from Lady Beaumont, ten pounds from Poole, and 5 pounds from Cottle, the printer who published STC?s verses. Similarly, when Derwent was of university age, an old Coleridge admirer, John Hookam Frere, set aside 300 pounds for his education, and Lady Beaumont also offered assistance. It was said the Coleridge children were left to "chance and charity."

STC had not only failed Sara, he failed his children, too. But Sara never maligned her husband. She took his side in all disputes (including the rift with the Wordsworths) and encouraged his sons to respect the father who had abandoned them.

For several years Sara had no communication from her husband, nor did she receive financial support. She was beholden to her brother-in-law (Southey) for allowing her to live in Greta Hall, now his house. In appreciation, she taught in the Southey schoolroom. At this time the Southey family included three adolescent girls and two children. In this schoolroom Sara?s sister Mary (Mrs. Lovell) taught English and Latin; Sara taught French, Italian, writing, arithmetic and needlework; Southey taught Greek and Spanish; and a neighbor taught drawing and music. (Southey?s wife, Edith, was suffering from depression.) School was held from half past nine each morning until four, with an hour for walking and a half hour for dressing.

As Sara?s children grew into adulthood, her worries for them grew. "I hope no child of mine will marry without a good certainty of supporting a family," she said. "I have known many difficulties myself that I have reason to warn my children."

Hartley ? as the other Coleridges ? was to prove a promising scholar, a fact that delighted his father. However, during a later fellowship at Cambridge?s Oriel College, he was denied membership as a fellow, chiefly due to his "sottishness."

Sara ? and her husband ? were outraged, blaming everyone but Hartley. Sara wished to bring her firstborn back into the fold at Greta Hall, but Southey prohibited it. This was a low point of Sara?s life. She wrote that she felt like "one without plan or purpose; without hope or heart."

She had good reason to grieve. Her son fell deeper into alcoholism, had no home, and was given to "wandering." Through the Wordsworths she would scrape together money to send him for the rest of her life.

After 29 years she would leave Greta Hall and experience a modicum of happiness, living first with Derwent when he took orders, then coming to settle permanently with Sara when she delivered her first child in 1830. A reputed scholar, Sara the younger had married STC?s nephew, Henry Coleridge, who became a lawyer in London?s Hampstead. (The Coleridge cousins had not met until they were adults.)

Ironically, Hampstead was just a few short miles from Highgate, where since 1816 Coleridge had been living with surgeon and apothecary James Gillman, who controlled his opium habit.

Sara and STC met for the first time in eight years. Before that, there had been a ten-year gap between their meetings. STC was proud of his nephew/son-in-law, and he and Sara were doting grandparents. Coleridge was to write of Sara: ? "In fact, barring living in the same house with her there are few women that I have a greater respect and ratherish liking for, than Mrs. C."

For the last three years of Coleridge?s life, he and Sara enjoyed many cordial visits with each other. STC died in 1833, at age 61. Sara, who was two years older than her husband, lived until 1845.

Sources: The Bondage of Love, by Molly Lefebure; Coleridge, The Viking Portable Library.

? 2012 Cheryl Bolen
Posted at The Beau Monde by permission of the author.

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Ryan: Poverty winning in 'war on poverty'

CLEVELAND (AP) ? Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan said Wednesday that, "in this war on poverty, poverty is winning" and he called for a retooled approach to help the 46 million people who are living in it.

In a speech in politically crucial Ohio, Ryan said he and running mate Mitt Romney would work to help the one in six Americans in poverty climb into the middle class and help keep those already in the middle class on solid financial footing. But he offered no specific or new policy proposals for how they would achieve that.

"In this war on poverty, poverty is winning. We deserve better. We deserve a clear choice for a brighter future," said Ryan, a congressman from Wisconsin who also is chairman of the House Budget Committee.

"Many of those living in poverty today were in the middle class just a few years ago. We can help them regain the ground they've lost," he added.

Yet Ryan criticized existing anti-poverty programs for spending too much with too few results.

"Just last year, total federal and state spending on means-tested programs came in at more than one trillion dollars. How much is that in practical terms? For that amount of money, you could give every poor American a check for $22,000," he said. "Instead, we spend all that money attempting to fight poverty through government programs."

"And what do we have to show for it?"

A spokesman for President Barack Obama, Danny Kanner, said Ryan's speech "existed in an alternate universe. Unfortunately for Mitt Romney, no matter how they couch it, their agenda is extreme."

Kanner added that, "The American people understand that Mitt Romney would take us back, and no change in rhetoric in the campaign's final weeks can change that."

In his speech at Cleveland State University, Ryan said success can't be counted in dollars and cents.

"In most of these programs, especially in recent years, we're still trying to measure compassion by how much government spends, not by how many people we help escape from poverty," Ryan said.

The answer, he said, is education.

"Sending your child to a great school should not be a privilege of the well-to-do," Ryan said. "Mitt Romney and I believe that choice should be available to every parent in our country, wherever they live."

Ryan's visit to Ohio comes as he and Romney are putting new emphasis on winning this state's 18 electoral votes in the Nov. 6 election. Without a win here, Romney and Ryan would have to sweep the other in-play states to win the election.

To that end, Ryan sought with the speech to connect with moderates, independents and even blue-collar Democrats who are frustrated with Obama's term.

"Whatever your political party, this nation cannot afford four more years like the last four years. We need a real recovery," Ryan said to applause. "Mitt Romney? This is a man who is uniquely qualified and ready to deliver this recovery. Why? Because he understands how an economy works and what it takes to make it grow."

In Cleveland, where boarded-up businesses dot block after block and most voters have an unemployed neighbor, Ryan's message could help fire up solidly Republican voters.

While Cuyahoga County, where Cleveland is located, is among the most Democratic counties in the country and is a place where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by about 2-to-1, the city's sheer size guarantees a significant bloc of Republicans that Romney will need if he is to compete in the state, which has become a linchpin of his electoral strategy.

Ryan also promised that a Romney-Ryan administration would protect safety-net programs for the poor while overhauling benefits for wealthier people who might not necessarily need Social Security in their later years.

Ryan spoke using a teleprompter, a rare prop for a politician who can tick through budget policy details with little prodding. The formal address was one of the few speeches he has delivered since joining the GOP presidential ticket in August. He has preferred to use his skill as a campaigner to connect with voters in a way that Romney seems to struggle with.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ryan-poverty-winning-war-poverty-185445667--election.html

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Tour golf back with a lot less bling

Tiger Woods and his Presidents Cup comrades aren't gracing our shores this year, but Greg Chalmers insists it doesn't mean he'll get an easy run as he defends his Australian Open and Australian PGA Championship titles.

Chalmers beat the likes of American stars Woods, Bubba Watson, Nick Watney and Dustin Johnson and fellow Australians John Senden, Geoff Ogilvy, Adam Scott and Jason Day to win last year's Australian Open.

Then to cap off a dream fortnight, he won the Australian PGA Championship in a playoff with Robert Allenby and Marcus Fraser in a field including Watson, 2011 British Open champion Darren Clarke, Scott, Day, Aaron Baddeley and Greg Norman.

Golf in Australia was a flurry of activity at the time due to the presence of the Presidents Cup battle between the US and Internationals at Royal Melbourne in between the Open and PGA.

But sadly for golf fans, the depth of talent in Australia's tournaments won't be nearly as strong this year.

The problem is exacerbated with so many top Australians including stalwarts Robert Allenby, Stuart Appleby, Nick O'Hern, Rod Pampling, Nathan Green and Mat Goggin struggling on the US PGA Tour this season while young star Day and Baddeley, whose wife is expecting, have ruled out a return to the Australian events.

Australia's summer of golf teed off last week with the inaugural $US2 million Perth international, won by world No.24 Bo van Pelt at Lake Karrinyup.

World No.10 Jason Dufner, 2011 US Masters winner Charl Schwartzel, former world No.3 Paul Casey and Chalmers also featured at the event, but the talent pool was thin after that.

Next up on the calendar is the November 15-18 Australian Masters at Melbourne's Kingston Heath, which is headlined by world No.6 Scott, former US Open champion Graeme McDowell and defending champion Ian Poulter.

The December 6-9 Australian Open at The Lakes in Sydney will be relying on world No 5 Justin Rose, eight-times major champion winner Tom Watson at age 63 and Australian quartet Scott, Chalmers, Senden and Ogilvy to bring in the fans.

And 57-year-old former world No.1 Norman will no doubt be the fan favourite at the December 13-16 PGA Championship, which will again feature Northern Ireland's Clarke plus Senden and Ogilvy.

Despite fewer big names featuring in Australian events this year, Chalmers said he'd still have to be on top of his game to win the Open and PGA.

"Certainly I beat a really strong field last year, but ultimately you only need one guy to play fantastically that week and he's going to beat you," Chalmers said.

Chalmers finished 10th at the Perth International, and predicted a bright future for the event, which was co-sanctioned by the European Tour and the PGA Tour of Australasia.

Van Pelt is eager to come back and defend his title next year, and said he'd do his best to bring a swag of top-line American golfers with him.

"I'll be spreading the word of what a great event this is and guys need to come and check it out," van Pelt said after securing a two-shot victory over world No.10 American Jason Dufner.

Source: http://wwos.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=8553042

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Flu Near You: Finally, a Way to Track (and Avoid) Getting Sick

It?s that time of year, again: flu season. We?ve all had it. We have vaccines to prevent the flu, antivirals to help alleviate suffering, and control measures like hand washing and social distancing to reduce transmission. But, for a disease that hits every year, influenza retains many mysteries.

Flu is often underreported, so it?s difficult to really understand the full impact of the spread of flu, whether in communities or across the country. How many times have you had the flu, but not gone to the doctor?? Who ?counts? you among those who got sick that year??

We don?t uniformly track who gets vaccinated and whether or not they get the flu that season. The science of vaccines assures us the flu shot is effective in warding off the flu.? But just how effective?? To measure such a question across the population would be a herculean task. To track the spread of flu across the United States each year, at the community level, would be impossible ? until now.

Developed in partnership with HealthMap, the Skoll Global Threats Fund is launching Flu Near You this week after one year of testing with the American Public Health Association. Anyone living in the United States who?s 13 years of age or older can sign up at www.flunearyou.org. As a registered participant, each week you will be asked a pair of questions: ?Do you have any of the following symptoms?? (with a checklist of 10 symptoms) and ?Have you had the flu shot???

Once you submit each week, a map pops up which shows how many people are feeling healthy or who might have the flu in your area (anonymously and privately, of course). The tool allows you to compare this self-reported data against Google Flu Trends and official CDC data. It also provides links to useful information about flu, including convenient locations to get vaccinated. ? ??

If it?s effective, Flu Near You will help us better understand how flu spreads and, importantly, engage the public directly in combatting this yearly plague. But Flu Near You as a proof of concept is equally important.? If people are willing to report symptoms on a regular basis, we can expand beyond flu to other diseases.? Moreover, we can move beyond the U.S. to the developing world where the challenges are significantly more complex. Participatory surveillance could become a crucial cornerstone of public health, helping us not only get a better handle on known diseases, but also catch novel diseases when they emerge anywhere on the planet.

It?s an exciting prospect. But it only works if we have extensive participation. So please join us now at www.fluenearyou.org. Do your part to help track and avoid the flu. Do you have it in you? ?

Related stories on TakePart

??Flu Vaccines in Grade Schools Significantly Curb Illness

??8 Easy Ways to Sail Through Flu Season Without Getting Sick

??Flu Shot Holdouts: Care to Reconsider?

Mark Smolinski is director of Global Health Threats at Skoll Global Threats Fund. He was a member of the investigation team that discovered hantavirus in 1993, and he has served as an advisor to the World Health Organization.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/flu-near-finally-way-track-avoid-getting-sick-122644961.html

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