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Facebook OKs targeted ads with user email, phone info

7 hrs.

Facebook plans to let advertisers increase their?targeted ads to users. Starting next week, the social network will give its?advertisers the option of targeting users by email address, phone number or user ID ? as long as that information has already been gathered by the advertiser.?

The social network, facing a huge drop in value since May, has been scrambling to come up ways to increase its revenue.?

Twitter, too, will start allowing advertisers to directly target users based on the interests they reveal in their tweets, the company said Thursday.

A Facebook spokeswoman told NBC News that the new effort "is really about delivering relevant ads to people on Facebook" who may have already connected with advertisers before, via email or by giving them their phone number, but not necessarily on Facebook.

"We think this is an effective new tool for advertisers to reach their customers who they've already had connections with; it?allows advertisers?to build more relevant ads."

Inside Facebook reported that "sources familiar with Facebook?s ad plans previously told us that the company was working with some premium advertisers to target audiences by email address, though we had not heard about the UID (user ID)?and phone number options."

Didn't know you have a User ID? Every Facebook user does, says Facebook on its help page (Just type in "user ID"):

On Facebook, your name, profile picture, gender, username, user ID (account number) and networks are visible to everyone (learn why). Also, by default, apps have access to your friends list and any information you choose to share with everyone.

The Facebook spokeswoman said the site is not giving any information to advertisers.

"There is no transfer of personally identifiable information," she said.

Targeted advertising,?Inside Facebook notes, will offer "powerful new opportunities for businesses to reach their existing customers and leads, who may be increasingly difficult to reach through traditional email and telemarketing campaigns."

Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on?Facebook,?and on?Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.

Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/gadgetbox/facebook-do-targeted-advertising-user-email-phone-number-974091

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Building or Remodeling a Home? Think Lock Security | Estimulacion ...

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Source: http://www.estimulaciontemprana2010.com/building-or-remodeling-a-home-think-lock-security.html

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Inside Fundamental Elements For Speed Reading Improvement ...

Most of the information that people read today is in text format, making speed-reading very valuable. So, whether you are a college student faced with thousands of pages of reading material or an entrepreneur who wants to improve their business skills or even a stay-at-home-mom, speed reading is a skill that will bring you a wide range of benefits once you master it. You can definitely learn the skill. The skill, once mastered, will give you the ability to read two times as fast at a bare minimum. Let?s begin.

Reading at higher speeds is possible when you first understand the context of what you are reading. For example, if you are reading a novel or a letter from a loved one, speed reading it is probably not a good idea. Anything from a family member should never be read fast. The first thing you need to do when speed-reading through a textbook (which is where you want to use the speed reading technique) is to use your finger, keep track of where you are while reading, and absorb the main points that are presented in chunks within your mind. If you want to read quickly, set the stage ? in essence, prepare your mind for what you are about to read through so the information flows smoothly.

You need to learn to see the action the words represent rather than the words themselves. This is really important because next your mind will start to understand the idea that it is superfluous to read every single word on the page and this will have a remarkable effect on your reading speed. After you figure out how to do this, you will be able to imagine the scenery in your head, rather than paying too much attention to each printed letter. It is sort of like building a movie in your mind?s eye and before you know it, you?ll be reading a lot faster and understanding the content a whole lot better. Hop over to an introduction to what is African Mango extract for current tips.

The ordinary way to read is to read every single word that you see. If you want to increase your reading speed significantly, then you need to learn to filter out filler words and focus on the key words in a sentence. If you read a sentence, for example, and all the words like ?this,?that,?the,?a? or ?and? were removed, you?d still be able to understand the gist of what was being said. These are words you are highly familiar with and can learn to skip over, allowing your mind to fill in the gaps. You do something similar when you read words that are spelled incorrectly. You know what the word is, even if it?s mangled, because your mind automatically fills in what should be there. So, you can easily train yourself, through practice, to avoid physically reading these words and to allow your mind to fill in the blanks.

If you want to be able to learn more information in less time, it?s worth it to master the art of speed reading. The tips we?ve covered in this article will get you started with speed reading, and you can take this talent as far as you want if you?re willing to practice.

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Source: http://www.indianewsx.com/inside-fundamental-elements-for-speed-reading-improvement/

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Video: Can Europe Fix the Euro?

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Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/cnbc/48829973/

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With US watching, Ryan to focus on personal side

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) ? Paul Ryan wants to talk policy. Mitt Romney's team wants his No. 2 to focus more on his immigrant family and small-town values.

The top of the ticket is certain to win out as the Wisconsin congressman accepts the vice presidential nomination of his party Wednesday night. Ryan will deliver a speech to thousands of delegates at the Republican convention, and millions of viewers watching from home, that will be unlike most Ryan tends to favor. This one is likely to be heavy on personality and lighter on policy.

Ryan's willingness to focus on his personal story and play down policy is the latest example that of him deferring to Romney's preferences. As Ryan puts it, Romney is "the boss." Not the other way around.

Ryan and his team, a mix of longtime aides and new advisers, have spent a chunk of the past few weeks writing ? and re-writing ? the speech. Drafts have been emailed from his campaign plane and his kitchen table in Janesville, Wis., to speechwriters in Tampa and top Romney advisers at the Boston headquarters.

"Words matter a lot and I'm putting a lot of effort into them," said Ryan, a former speechwriter to 1996 vice presidential nominee Jack Kemp and former Education Secretary William Bennett.

Early versions were scrapped and adjusted to include bits of Ryan's natural, easygoing speaking style. In between campaign events and daily workouts, Ryan has been working to put his own voice into the drafts.

At campaign events, Ryan has tended to favor policy over his personal story. From Ohio to Virginia to Florida, he talks more often about the nation's debt and deficit than his own life as a congressional aide who became a congressman at age 28. The 42-year-old is more comfortable citing Congressional Budget Office statistics than real people.

Romney's aides want that to change. Advisers are pushing Ryan toward more personal territory.

The hope among Romney's team is that the nation gets to know Ryan's story, one they say working-class voters could relate to. Left unsaid is the fact that Ryan's policy positions, specifically his controversial budget proposals, have caused headaches for Romney and dominated the storyline of the campaign since he was named the running mate.

On Wednesday, Ryan plans to talk not just about Romney's promises to repair the economy and Obama's failures to do it, but also about his own upbringing. A message of small-town values and self-reliance is set to play a prominent role in his speech.

Ryan offered a preview of that message Monday at the Janesville, Wis., high school where he cheered for classmates two decades ago. He spoke of his ancestors' journey in the 1850s from Ireland to Wisconsin. Reflecting on more recent history, Ryan spoke of his time in the town when he said neighbors took care of each other.

"What we do in our communities is we look out for one another," he said. "That's what's so special. That's what government can't replace or displace."

Look for him also to acknowledge the economic troubles that have hit Janesville, a city that has become synonymous with Ryan's Midwestern appeal. On Monday, he said the city's response to the rough economy is what the United States should do on a grand scale.

"That's the kind of thing we need to do is pick ourselves up, help people in need, give them the job training skills they have, flourish entrepreneurs and small businesses so that people can get back on their feet," he said.

Aides are seeking to lower expectations, saying not to expect a blockbuster speech like the one 2008 vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin delivered. Instead, Ryan is likely to paint a picture of himself as a reasonable governing partner for Romney.

On Tuesday, asked if he was ready as he boarded his plane to Tampa, Ryan simply said: "I am." The usually media-friendly politician ignored reporters' other questions. En route to the convention, he huddled with senior adviser Dan Senor and senior aide Conor Sweeney. As Ryan read through the speech again, he dictated changes to Sweeney, who typed them into an Apple laptop.

By that point, aides said, the speech was almost finished, but Ryan wanted to put some final polishes on it and make sure it is to his liking. He knows he will not get a second chance to have this wide of an introduction.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/us-watching-ryan-focus-personal-side-073719314--election.html

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UN chief denounces Iran to its face

Vahid Salemi/AP

Damaged cars that three Iranian scientists - Masoud Ali Mohammadi, right, Majid Shahriari, center, and Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan -- were riding in when they were killed in bombings over the last three years are displayed Sunday outside a conference hall hosting the meeting of Non-Aligned Movement in Tehran, Iran.

By NBC News staff and wire reports

United Nations? Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon denounced Iran in its own capital Thursday for calling for the destruction of Israel and denying the Holocaust.

Ban?s decision to attend the summit in Tehran of the 120-nation Non-Aligned Movement, or NAM, has been criticized by the United States and Israel, but he used the opportunity to slam the Iranian regime, albeit without?mentioning it by name.

Iran hopes the high-profile event will prove that Western efforts to isolate it and punish it economically for its disputed nuclear program have failed. The West fears it is seeking to develop nuclear weapons, Iran says its program is for peaceful purposes.

The remains of three wrecked cars -- in which three Iranian nuclear scientists were traveling when they were assassinated -- were on display outside the summit venue. A photo exhibition called ?Iran, the Victim of Terrorism? and subtitled: ?More than 17,000 Terror Victims! For What Crime?? was being held nearby, The Financial Times newspaper (operates behind a paywall) reported.

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But fears of Iranian aggression toward Israel have been stoked by hostile language from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He has repeatedly denied the Holocaust and this month called Israel a "cancerous tumor.?

In his speech, Ban took Iran to task.

Arizona Senator and former GOP presidential candidate, John McCain, joins Morning Joe to discuss his Wednesday speech at the RNC, what's happening in Iran and Israel and if military action should be taken in Iran and how Romney can be impactful during his Thursday RNC speech.

?I strongly reject threats by any member state to destroy another or outrageous attempts to deny historical facts such as the Holocaust," he said, according to Reuters.

"Claiming that Israel does not have the right to exist or describing it in racist terms is not only wrong, but undermines the very principle we all have pledged to uphold," he added.

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Meir Javedanfar, an Iranian-Israeli expert at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel, said that Ban deserved credit for his blunt remarks in Tehran and said that Israel should thank him for speaking out so clearly.

"In the history of the Islamic Republic, nobody has challenged the supreme leader's (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's) position on Israel in front of him, and in such a manner,? he told Reuters. ?This is likely to have long-term reverberations and consequences inside Iran's halls of power."

Not so fast: Ex-Israeli intelligence chief speaks out on Iran strikes

However, Deputy Israeli Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said Ban would have conveyed a stronger message by boycotting the NAM summit.

"His going there harmed the message and really sabotaged the efforts, which are so critical today, to stop the illegal Iranian nuclear activity," Ayalon told Israel Radio.

America's 'bullying manner'
In his speech, Khamenei criticized the U.N. Security Council as a tool used by the United States "to impose its bullying manner on the world."

"They (Americans) talk of human rights when what they mean is Western interests. They talk of democracy when what they have is military intervention in other countries," he declared.

John Batchelor, The John Batchelor Show host, weighs in on the reports Israel could possibly attack Iran before the November elections.

On Wednesday, Ban urged Khamenei to prove that Iran's nuclear work is peaceful.

"Our motto is nuclear energy for all and nuclear weapons for none," Khamenei told the conference Thursday, although his words will likely do little to allay Western suspicions.

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A report from the U.N. nuclear watchdog this week is likely to voice concern about the Parchin military complex southeast of Tehran, to which its inspectors have been denied access.

The International Atomic Energy Agency believes Iran has conducted nuclear-related explosives tests at Parchin. Western diplomats say satellite images suggest Iran has cleansed the site, which it says is a conventional military facility.

The IAEA's new quarterly report will say Iran has installed more than 300 new uranium enrichment centrifuges at its Fordow underground site since May, Vienna-based diplomats say.

Iran is using Fordow to enrich uranium to 20 percent fissile purity, taking it much nearer the 90 percent needed for bombs. Tehran says the material is for a medical research reactor.

"There is reason to be concerned by increased tempo of enrichment, the larger stockpile of enriched uranium and, most importantly, the additional centrifuges installed in the deeply buried facility at Fordow," said Mark Fitzpatrick of the International Institute of Strategic Studies think-tank.?

Reuters contributed to this report.

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Source: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/08/30/13569958-un-chief-denounces-iran-to-its-face-over-calls-to-destroy-israel?lite

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Blue Moon Science: Friday's Full Moon Explained

With a so-called "blue moon" set to rise in the night sky this Friday (Aug. 31), you may find yourself wondering: Just what is a blue moon, exactly? And where does the term come from?

Somewhat confusingly, the answers have nothing to do with the moon's color. The "blue moon" tale is a convoluted one, with much of the action taking place in the relatively recent past.

In 1946, "Sky and Telescope" magazine traced the term to the "Maine Farmer's Almanac," where it apparently referred to the third full moon in a season that contains four full moons instead of the usual three.

The year is divided into four equal seasons, each 91 or 92 days long. Because there are 29.5 days between full moons, four full moons occasionally get squeezed into a single season. [Once-in-a-Blue-Moon Not Really Blue (Infographic)]

But the author of the "Sky and Telescope" article misintrepeted this complicated definition, declaring that a "blue moon" is actually the second full moon in a month with two full moons.

The new (and wrong) meaning didn't attain widespread usage until decades later. It was used during a broadcast of the radio show "Stardate" in January 1980, according to a much more recent article in "Sky and Telescope."

Then, in 1981, the designers of the board game Trivial Pursuit came across the 1946 magazine article. They put the definition into the game, and suddenly this incorrect explanation of an unscientific term became ?general knowledge.?

So that is why Friday's full moon is known as a "blue moon." It really is no different than any other full moon, except that an accident of the calendar causes it to be the second full moon in the month of August, the first having been on Aug. 1.

While the phrase "once in a blue moon" implies that the skywatching phenomenon should be exceedingly rare, that's not the case. On average, blue moons come along once every 2.7 years.

While we're on the subject of weird moon myths, here's another: the fable that the moon is made of green cheese.

This really did start out as a fable in the 16th century. In the original story, a simple-minded person sees the reflection of the full moon in a pond, and is made to believe that this is a wheel of new-made cheese. This children's story has been repeated so many times through history that it has become something of a cultural touchstone.

But the moon, like the Earth, is made of ordinary rock. In fact, most researchers believe that the moon coalesced from pieces of the ancient Earth that were blasted into space after a Mars-size body struck our planet billions of years ago.

Please don't tell Wallace and Gromit. We wouldn't want to disillusion them.

This article was provided to SPACE.com by Starry Night Education, the leader in space science curriculum solutions. Follow Starry Night on Twitter @StarryNightEdu.

Copyright 2012 SPACE.com, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blue-moon-science-fridays-full-moon-explained-210925226.html

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Newly discovered virus linked to deadly skin cancer : Merkel cell ...

Contact: Michele Baum BaumMD@upmc.edu 412-647-3555 University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences

PITTSBURGH, Jan. 17 ? A new strategy to hunt for human viruses described in this week?s issue of the journal Science by the husband-and-wife team who found the cause of Kaposi?s sarcoma has revealed a previously unknown virus strongly associated with another rare but deadly skin cancer called Merkel cell carcinoma. In the paper, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (UPCI) researchers, Huichen Feng, Ph.D., Masahiro Shuda, Ph.D., Yuan Chang, M.D., and Patrick Moore, M.D., M.P.H., explain a nearly decade-long effort to harness the sequencing technology to identify the virus, which they call Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCV). While the research team emphasizes that their work does not prove MCV to be the cause of Merkel cell carcinoma, if the findings are confirmed, they may lead to new cancer treatment and prevention options.

?This is the first polyomavirus to be strongly associated with a particular type of human tumor,? said Dr. Moore, professor of microbiology and molecular genetics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and leader of the molecular virology program at UPCI. ?Although polyomaviruses have been studied in relation to cancer development for years, the weight of scientific evidence had been leaning toward the view that these viruses do not cause human cancers.?

Polyomaviruses are a group of viruses that have been shown to cause cancers in animals for more than 50 years. But Dr. Moore noted that additional research is needed to determine what role, if any, MCV plays in human cancer development.

A rare but extremely aggressive cancer that spreads rapidly into other tissues and organs, Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) develops from specialized nerve cells that respond to touch or pressure. The incidence of MCC has tripled over the past 20 years to about 1,500 cases a year, especially among people whose immune systems are compromised by AIDS or transplant-related immunosuppressant drugs. About half of patients with advanced MCC live nine months or less, and some two-thirds of MCC patients die within five years.

?If these findings are confirmed, we can look at how this new virus contributes to a very bad cancer with high mortality, and, just as importantly, use it as a model to understand how cancers occur and the cell pathways that are targeted,? added Dr. Moore. ?Information that we gain could possibly lead to a blood test or vaccine that improves disease management and aids in prevention.?

For example, vaccines are now available against human papillomavirus (HPV) to prevent cervical cancer, noted Dr. Chang, professor of pathology. ?MCV is another model that may increase our understanding of how cancers arise, with possibly important implications for non-viral cancers like prostate or breast cancer.?

MCV has additional similarities to HPV since both viruses integrate into the tumor cell genome but not the genome of healthy cells. This integration destroys the virus?s ability to replicate normally and may be the first critical step in MCC development.

The Pittsburgh team analyzed nearly 400,000 messenger RNA genetic sequences from four samples of MCC tumor tissue using a technique refined in their lab called digital transcriptome subtraction (DTS). Comparing the sequences expressed by the tumor genome to gene sequences mapped by the Human Genome Project, the researchers systematically subtracted known human sequences, leaving a group of genetic transcripts that might be from a foreign organism.

One sequence was similar to but distinct from all known viruses. The team went on to show that this sequence belonged to a new polyomavirus present in eight of 10 (80 percent) Merkel cell tumors they tested but only five of 59 (8 percent) control tissues from various body sites and four of 25 (16 percent) control skin tissues.

Although MCV is most commonly found in Merkel cell tumors, it also can be found in healthy people. The most important distinguishing feature is that MCV integrates into tumor cells in what is known as a monoclonal pattern, indicating that it infects the cell before the cell becomes cancerous. Tests on six of the eight MCV-positive tumors confirmed that viral DNA was integrated within the tumor genome in this monoclonal pattern, suggesting that infection with MCV could be a trigger for tumor formation. The Pittsburgh team subsequently has confirmed these results with additional tumor specimens.

Clues from elsewhere in the biomedical literature point to the existence of MCV, which has a genetic structure that is closely related to an African green monkey virus found in Germany in the 1970s. Researchers have found antibody evidence from blood tests that indicates some 15 percent to 25 percent of adults are infected with the still undiscovered human relative of this monkey virus. If MCV turns out to be this long-sought infection, then more than 1 billion people worldwide could already be infected.

?But again, look to the example of HPV,? said Dr. Moore. ?Although up to 50 percent of sexually active young women are infected with HPV, a small proportion may actually get cervical cancer.?

Even if MCV is proven to play a role in MCC, Dr. Chang also cautioned that the virus is likely to be just a part of a much larger picture.

?Now we need to find out how it works,? she said. ?Once the virus integrates, it could express an oncoprotein, or it could knock out a gene that suppresses tumor growth. Either way, the results are bound to be interesting.?

This is the second tumor-associated virus discovered by Drs. Moore and Chang, a husband-and-wife research team who also discovered Kaposi?s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) in 1993. KSHV, which causes Kaposi?s sarcoma, is the most common malignancy in AIDS patients and the most common cancer in Africa. To find KSHV, Drs. Moore and Chang used a different method to physically subtract human genetic sequences from Kaposi?s sarcoma tumors, leaving fragments of viral DNA.

Viruses, and some bacteria and parasites, are estimated to cause at least 20 percent of cancers worldwide. Over the past 40 years, few cancer-causing viruses have been confirmed in humans, including KSHV. Most of these viruses express cancer-causing proteins, called oncoproteins, in infected cells. Polyomaviruses, including MCV, possess an oncoprotein that has been shown to cause cancer after infection in animals. If MCV is confirmed to play a role in human cancer, it will be the eighth human tumor virus discovered.



Funding for the study was provided by the National Institutes of Health and the Pennsylvania Department of Health

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Source: http://engineeringevil.com/2012/08/29/newly-discovered-virus-linked-to-deadly-skin-cancer-merkel-cell-polyomavirus/

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Advanced CT scans accurately assess coronary blockages

ScienceDaily (Aug. 28, 2012) ? An ultra-fast, 320-detector computed tomography (CT) scanner can accurately sort out which people with chest pain need -- or don't need -- an invasive procedure such as cardiac angioplasty or bypass surgery to restore blood flow to the heart, according to an international study. Results of the study, which involved 381 patients at 16 hospitals in eight countries, are scheduled to be presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Munich, Germany, on August 28.

"The CORE 320 study is the first prospective, multicenter study to examine the diagnostic accuracy of CT for assessing blockages in blood vessels and determining which of those blockages may be preventing the heart from getting adequate blood flow," says Joao A. C. Lima, M.D., senior author of the study and professor of medicine and radiology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. "We found an excellent correlation in results when we compared the 320-detector CT testing with the traditional means of assessment using a stress test with imaging and cardiac catheterization."

The study findings, says Lima, would apply to people who have chest pain but are not having a heart attack. Many people in that situation are sent to a cardiac catheterization laboratory for further evaluation with angiography, an invasive test to look for blockages in the coronary arteries using dye and special X-rays. About 30 percent of people who have such catheterization are found to have minimal disease or no blockage requiring an intervention to open or bypass the vessel.

Lima explains that a nuclear medicine stress test with imaging, known as SPECT, shows reduced blood flow to the heart without indicating the number or specific location of blockages.

The 381 patients who completed the study had traditional SPECT tests and invasive angiography. They also had two types of tests with a non-invasive 320-detector CT scanner. In the first CT test, the scanner was used to see the anatomy of vessels to assess whether and where there were blockages. That test is known as CTA, in which the "A" stands for angiography. Then, in a second CT test with the same machine, patients were given a vasodilator, a medicine that dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow to the heart in ways similar to what happens during a stress test. The second test is called CTP, with the "P" standing for perfusion.

According to lead author Carlos E. Rochitte, M.D., a cardiologist at the Instituto do Coracao in Sao Paulo, Brazil, "We found that the 320-detector CT scanner allowed us to see the anatomy of the blockages as well as determine whether the blockages were causing a lack of perfusion to the heart. We were therefore able to correctly identify the patients who needed revascularization within 30 days of their evaluation."

"Many patients are sent for an angioplasty when they may not need it. Our ultimate goal is to have more certainty about which patients having chest pain -- without evidence of a heart attack -- need an invasive procedure to open an arterial blockage," says cardiologist Richard George, M.D., assistant professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and a co-author of the study.

"The CTP test added significant information about the patients' conditions and boosted our ability to identify those whose blockages were severe enough to reduce blood flow to the heart," adds George, who developed the CTP method with Lima.

The 320-detector CT provides a complete picture of the heart by making just one revolution around the body. The researchers say the two tests combined -- CTA and CTP -- still produce less radiation than a scan with the 64-detector in widespread use today.

"In our study, the amount of radiation exposure to patients from the two 320-detector CT scanner tests was half the amount they received as a result of the traditional evaluation methods -- the angiogram and nuclear medicine stress test combined," says Lima.

The researchers will continue to follow the patients in the study for up to five years, looking for any heart-related events such as heart attacks, as well as hospital admissions, procedures or surgeries.

Hospitals that participated in the CORE 320 study are located in the United States, Germany, Canada, Brazil, the Netherlands, Denmark, Japan and Singapore. Images obtained during the study were evaluated in core laboratories at Johns Hopkins and at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. The study was sponsored by Toshiba Medical Systems.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Johns Hopkins Medicine.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/health_medicine/heart_disease/~3/_EAY3z549B0/120828093236.htm

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Should Cloud Computing Be Open-Source? | CloudTweaks.com ...

Should Cloud Computing Be Open-Source?

Open source software has been on the rise during the economic downturn, because of its agility, flexibility and customization. Now, we arrived at the point when openness is being accepted for cloud computing. Open source was born in an effort to make technology more collaborative, affordable and available to everyone.

I believe that soon the cloud space will embrace open-source software. OpenStack is a successful project founded by NASA and Rackspace. OpenStack is a cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter, all managed through a dashboard that gives administrators control while empowering their users to provision resources through a web interface. This would allow anyone to deliver cloud computing services to others.

Open source has severalkey dimensions that contribute to its success:

  • Licenses that permit and encourage redistribution, modification, and even forking;
  • An architecture that enables programs to be used as components wherever possible, and extended rather than replaced to provide new functionality;
  • Low barriers for new users to try the software;
  • Low barriers for developers to build new applications and share them with the world.

Now let?s see some of the things to consider when talking about open source being the future of cloud computing:

1. Personal Clouds will replace Personal Computers

Personal computers will be replaced by personal clouds, as people already started to store their images, videos and documents online. The main reasons for this are that people want their documents to be secure and to have them backed up. Information/data stored on personal clouds make it available anytime, anywhere, so people only need an Internet connection and a computing device to access all the documents.

2. Stability, Scalability and Reliability of Open-Source Software

Open-source technologies are preferred because of their stability, scalability and reliability. These technologies are highly customizable, secure, reliable and accountable. When using open-source, the development and support of software can be maintained by developers world wide.

Open-source collaboration tools will be used in the near future by corporations, service providers, VARS, SMBs, researchers and global data centers, which are looking to deploy large-scale cloud deployments for private or public clouds leveraging the support and technology of a global open source community.

By Rick Blaisdell / RicksCloud

(Disclaimer:?CloudTweaks publishes news and opinion articles from different contributors. All views and opinions in these articles belong entirely to our contributors. They do not reflect or represent in any way the personal or professional opinions of CloudTweaks.com or those of its staff.)

[CloudTweaks Contact:? Cloud News, Pitches and Guest Posting?contact@cloudtweaks.com]

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* "The Lighter Side Of The Cloud" Comic by CloudTweaks ? David Fletcher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.?

Source: http://www.cloudtweaks.com/2012/08/should-cloud-computing-be-open-source/

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Factbox: Economic policies of the main parties in Quebec election

(Reuters) - Following are key economic policies of the three main parties contesting the September 4 election in the Canadian province of Quebec.

Polls show the governing Liberals, who have been in power since 2003, are trailing the separatist Parti Quebecois and the newly founded, right-leaning Coalition for the Future of Quebec (CAQ).


Premier Jean Charest's Liberals have made the economy and jobs the main themes of their campaign. Last year, the government announced an C$80 billion ($81 billion) plan to develop Quebec's mineral-rich, yet largely desolate north and many campaign promises are linked to the so-called Plan Nord.

The party is promising to:

* set up an investment and savings tool for individuals investing in the Plan Nord. The non-refundable tax credit would be 10 percent of the amount invested, up to a credit of C$500 for a C$5000 investment.

* create 250,000 jobs and slash the unemployment rate to 6 percent by 2017 from the current 7.6 percent. It says Plan Nord will create or maintain 20,000 jobs annually over the 25 years it will take to roll out.

* balance the budget by 2013-2014. To keep the budget in the black in 2014-2015, it will limit program-spending growth by 2 percent a year, instead of the previously planned 3 percent.

* take C$150 million a year from mining, oil and gas royalties and put it into a fund for debt servicing.

* create a C$1 billion fund, managed by economic development agency Investissement Quebec, to help Quebec businesses make foreign acquisitions.

* adopt measures allowing Quebec-based companies to assess take-over bids and give them more power to reject them

The Liberals put the cost of their measures at C$245 million a year over the next four-year period, for a total of C$1.223 billion by the end of the term.


The Parti Quebecois wants to eventually hold a referendum to separate from the rest of Canada.

It is promising to:

* balance the budget by 2013-14, in part by limiting spending growth to 2.4 percent a year over the next five years.

* create two new income tax levels for individuals earning more than C$130,000 a year and will boost government revenues by hiking tax rates on capital gains and slashing an income tax credit on dividends.

* review the mandate of the Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec, the province's pension fund, so it can invest more in Quebec.

* set up a C$10 billion fund, to be administered by the Caisse, which would take stakes in Quebec companies and prevent foreign takeovers.

* maintain a freeze on some electricity rates. The Liberals plan to raise some prices between 2014 and 2018.

* impose a minimal royalty rate of 5 percent on the gross value of all mining output and slap a 30 percent royalty rate on any mining profits above 8 percent.

* invest 3 percent of provincial GDP in research and development. It wants the right to administer federal programs such as employment insurance and economic development, which are currently run from Ottawa.

The PQ says net spending would total C$992 million over the next five years, with C$2.39 billion in new spending and C$1.39 billion in additional revenue.


The right-leaning CAQ has never contested an election. It wants to put all talk of independence on hold for a decade so it can focus on the economy.

The party is promising to:

* balance the budget by 2013-2014, in part by slashing government expenses. It says it will cut 7,000 public service jobs, including 4000 at state-owned power company Hydro-Quebec, and will cut spending by save a total of C$2.1 billion over five years.

* allocate C$13.2 billion dollars to debt servicing over the term of its first mandate. The CAQ says all mining, gas and oil royalties would go to servicing the debt.

* increase tax on real estate profits for secondary residences and cut income tax credits on the profit from share sales.

* create a C$5 billion natural resources fund that would take minority stakes in mining projects. The fund would be administered by the Caisse

* impose a moratorium on shale gas exploration and ban asbestos exports. (Reporting by Rita Devlin Maurier; Editing by Leslie Gevirtz)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/factbox-economic-policies-main-parties-quebec-election-103539379--finance.html

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Owl City Live on the Today Show ? Hollywood.TV | Europe Gossip

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Prince Harry ?Offered $10M To Star In Adult Movie?
Prince Harry has reportedly been offered $10 million to star in a porn movie called The Trouble with Harry. According to TMZ, Hazza caught the eye of Steve Hirsch ? head of adult film production giant Vivid Entertainment ? after naked pictures of him playing naked billiards in Las Vegas hit the net. ?
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Owl City Live on the Today Show ? Hollywood.TV
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Source: http://www.europegossip.com/owl-city-live-on-the-today-show-hollywood-tv/

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Source: http://timsnewconstruction.com/Blog/2012/08/27/kitchen-renovations-sherman-oaks-10/

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Strategic Planning Analogy #466: You've Got Personality


Over the past year or so, I?ve been splitting my time between looking for clients for my strategy consulting business and looking for a full-time strategy job.? This has given me the opportunity to talk to a lot of executives at a number of companies.

In the vast majority of cases, I eventually received a rejection.? Now, one might at first think that these rejections would make me feel more negative towards these companies.? After all, they rejected me.

However, just the opposite is true.? After meeting with the people at these companies, I like the companies a lot more.? I feel that I?ll be more likely to patronize them than before and I even feel a bit more loyal to them?even though they rejected me.

Before I met with these companies, they were just faceless, impersonal businesses?just words and numbers.? There wasn?t much of any reason to feel any personal connection with them.? But after I met and talked with people in the business, that all changed.? I got to see the people behind the company.? I got to hear the passion in the voices of the leaders.? I got to see people enthusiastically working at the company to do something great.? I got to see the awards in the lobby display cases, hear the chatter in the lunch room.

In other words, the company was no longer a faceless, impersonal entity.? Now it was a real living breathing entity with a personality.? I could feel the drive and the passion.? I could see there were people who cared.? Now I could relate to the business on a deeper, more personal level.? The emotional bonds became stronger, because now because there was a deeper connection.

Most businesses would be tickled to death if they could create these deeper, more loyal ties with their customers.?? In my case, these great feelings continued in spite of being rejected.? Wouldn?t it be great if customers had such strong feelings towards your business that it could even overcome an occasional consumer disappointment?

In most businesses, it would not be practical to fly all of one?s customers to headquarters to talk to senior leadership about the business, like I was doing for interviews and business pitches.? But anything a company can do to move from being a faceless, impersonal entity to being a personality that customers can relate to is a move in the right direction.

The principle here is that the personality of the brand or company matters.? If done properly, it can help deepen the bonds between company and customers.? If done improperly, it can create an image that will turn people away from the company.? Therefore, as part of a strategic plan, one should consider the proper personality for the business and tactics for bringing it alive to the potential consumers.? The personality needs to be managed, just like any other asset. I first realized the importance of this fact when I was working at Best Buy.? I was shown some research Best Buy had done before my time there.? I believe the research was from the early to mid 1990s.?

The research was asking customers their opinions of the various consumer electronics retailers in the US.? At the time, there was a dozen or so regional retailers in this space who wanted to become national leaders.? It included retailers such as Circuit City, Silo, Highland, Fretter?s, Best Buy, and many others.? Today, all of them have long since disappeared?except for Best Buy.

Did Best Buy survive when others failed because consumers saw it as a far superior consumer electronics retailer?? This research at that time would say no.? In fact, consumers saw all of these retailers as pretty much the same.? On all of the rational variables of retailing (price, selection, etc.), all of the brands were rated fairly equally.? There wasn?t much of any reason to prefer one retail brand over the other.

As I say in my book ?The Most Important Question,? one of the most important tasks of strategy is to discover and strengthen reasons for customers to naturally prefer your company or brand more than the alternatives.? In this case, the consumer electronics retailers were failing on this most important point.? There was no reason to prefer a particular store because they were seen as indistinguishable from each other.

That is, except for one little difference.? At that time, Best Buy had a person who would dress up in a costume which looked like a giant price tag.? This walking price tag would interact with customers in Best Buy?s advertising.?

According to the survey, people liked this giant walking price tag.? Why?? Because it helped give Best Buy a personality.? They liked the way it interacted with the customers.? It seemed to enjoy the same fun, entertaining things they did.? It had a personality as being like one of them.

In a sea of faceless competition, the personality which came from the giant Best Buy Tag gave customers deeper, more positive feelings towards Best Buy than towards any of the competitors.? It gave a reason to like Best Buy more, to prefer it.

Now I?m not claiming that all of Best Buy?s success was due to that giant price tag.? Success comes from doing a lot of things correctly.? But I do believe that the uniqueness of having a personality gave Best Buy an edge at a critical time when industry consolidation was about to occur.? It bought time in order for Best Buy to improve a lot of other variables, so that Best Buy could be the superior brand which survived the consolidation.? Without that personality edge, I am not sure Best Buy would have survived the transition.

Lately, however, Best Buy?s future seems to be under threat.? There are many reasons for that, and it will take many changes to return strength to the Best Buy brand.? But I am willing to bet that if you asked consumers to describe the personality of Best Buy today, you would get a lot of negative attributes.

Based on the chatter I read on the internet, Best Buy appears to have lost control over managing that personality.? It is being redefined by disgruntled customers in a negative way.? That is not a good thing.? Now Best Buy has to fight an additional war.? Not only does it need to fix the problem of becoming irrelevant in a changing marketplace, it needs to overcome a bad personality.? It would have been easier to transition to relevancy if it had the advantage of a likeable personality on its side.? Then people would be more forgiving during the transition, just as I liked companies even though they rejected me.

So how can we manage the personality for our benefit?

1.????? First, think about personality strategically.? Decide which personality is most in sync with your strategic point of preference.? Figure out how to instill that personality into everything you do.

2.????? Consider a more public profile for the leadership, so that they can bring their face and personality to an otherwise faceless firm.? Richard Branson is a great example of this.? His strong personality is very public and has helped give a strong personality to all of the Virgin divisions.

3.????? In lieu of real employees, one can use symbolic representations to make the personality come to life.? This can be things as crazy as a giant price tag, or the Geico Gekko.?

4.????? Actively manage your interactions with customers.? Some lowly sales clerk on the front lines may be the only human interaction a customer has with your firm.? If that clerk has a bad personality, it can reflect negatively on the entire brand, since it is the only human reference point.? Work to instill the proper personality into all employees based on the way you hire, the way you train, the way you reward.? Zappos provides a good example of this.? They were so intent on having a staff with the right personality that they only hire people with the personality which fits their culture and mission.? It? a huge part of the interview process.? To make sure employees are there for the mission and not just the money, after someone has been employed for a week they offer them $2000 if they want to leave.? That weeds out the people who only work for the money.


5.????? Actively manage your interactions with society.? Society expects businesses to be good citizens.? They want you to give back.? This is particularly true with the younger adult generations.? If you are not seen as a good corporate citizen, it will damage your personality and you will lose business.

6.????? React quickly to threats to your personality.? ?Monitor what people are saying about you.? As soon as your personality is being threatened, act to rectify the situation.? Don?t let little issues grow into big negatives.? Be fast and aggressive in protecting that reputation. ?Cisco is a company which takes this very seriously and has developed tools to help others do the same.


Personalities help companies build stronger bonds with their customers.? These company/brand personalities need to be managed like any other strategic asset.? Incorporate personality development/management/protection into your strategic planning.


Ask the marketplace this question:? If my company were a person, what type of personality would it have?? You might be shocked at what you hear.

Source: http://planninga-from-nanninga.blogspot.com/2012/08/strategic-planning-analogy-466-youve.html

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Tips To Consider When Marketing Your Business Online | Stephen ...

A lot of businesses rely on Internet marketing since it is both efficient and affordable. From running up websites, to sending emails, to setting up social media accounts, today there are a huge number of ways to market your business online. Look at this article to find out how you can use Internet marketing to your advantage.

It is important to estimate the ratio of visitors to customers to see if your site is effective. Most companies have add-ons and tools that will help you track all of your activity.

Another option is to sell bundled merchandise at a discounted price. Make sure to describe the terms of your offer clearly in your marketing literature.

Find unique ways to give gifts. One thing that you could do is to have questions based off of your website that your customers need to answer correctly. As a reward, offer them merchandise discounts or free prizes. Having activities on your site that involve customers makes the experience more personal and encourages them to come back.

Use AJAX and Flash sparingly. Don?t overload your site with Flash animations that annoy customers. If possible, try not to use them at all. If you want to employ Flash, use it sparingly and make sure you have plenty of other keywords and navigational tools available.

If you are responsible for providing online content, you need to familiarize yourself with certain HTML elements such as tags. These tags indicate the important content on your page and will display it in different levels of bold. Search engine bots will rank your page according to tags. Therefore, it?s important to emphasize the most significant keywords.

Look at your website from the customer?s point of view. Is your site easy to navigate through? Does it engage your customers? Can people place orders easily and quickly? It?s useless to use SEO on a site that is confusing or boring.

Direct marketing is complementary to any Internet marketing campaign. You can reach your customers by phone, email, or fax to let them know the specials and services you have. You can acquire much of the information you need by looking in the physical yellow pages or available online phone books.

The more ways you offer to take payments, the simpler it is for customers to purchase items on your site. Even if you?re using an e-wallet like PayPal, some people might have MoneyBookers or only a credit card. Diversify your payment options.

If you want your website to stand out from the competition, you need to offer visitors something that?s unique in your field. Offer quality information such as articles, videos, pictures, podcasts, games and anything else your audience might be interested in. Having an item that is exclusive to your site is great at attracting plenty of customers to your website.

It may seem overwhelming to decide which direction your business and website should go in. Narrow down your interests until an obvious winner is on top. It is best to choose a niche that you find both familiar and enjoyable. With your goals clearly identified and set, marketing your website should go smoothly.

If you haven?t yet, you should think about developing a squeeze page in order to build up your contacts. This page will ask your visitors for their email address. You can even give them an incentive to sign up like a coupon or promotional item to get them to fill out contact information. This provides them with something free and you can add them without any issues to your own list.

Your business website should include a PR page; this will benefit your Internet marketing efforts. Try creating publish-worthy content that could be used in magazines or newspapers. This can be a very effective, yet simple, strategy to give your business higher visibility to potential customers.

Internet marketing is not as hard to understand as you think. Use the advice you have read there to make yourself more visible online and target your campaign to your customer base. With the growth of technology, putting your business online can help you reach many more people.

Enjoy the Journey

P.S.?If you would like to increase your marketing exposure and use the internet to the fullest to promote your business, generate leads and grow your team, take a look at what we have available to help youTAKE A LOOK and observe how we can increase your productivity.

Source: http://www.empowernetwork.com/spettis/blog/tips-to-consider-when-marketing-your-business-online/

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Why?s everybody so angry about Twitter ? and should you care?

17 hrs.

People have different reasons for being upset with Twitter right now, and those reasons really depend?on what type of Twitter user you are. Here are the people Twitter's changes are going to affect the most, and why?they're angry about the new rules.

The crux of why people are upset with Twitter is pretty simple: Twitter is?changing its Application Programming Interface (API)and closing off how third-party apps communicate with Twitter. For casual Twitter users, this means that Twitter controls what information apps can access on Twitter, how they access it, and how the apps shoots out the data on their ends. On the surface, the main goal is to keep Twitter clients consistent, and push ads equally throughout all of Twitter.

The Twitter developers who are worried about what the changes mean for their Business
Developers who build Twitter clients like?MetroTwit?or?TweetBot?are the most clearly affected by Twitter's new rules. In Twitter's new?API Terms, Twitter states that Twitter clients need to keep in line with Twitter's layout rules, which require tweets to be displayed in a single way, with all their buttons in the right places. From a visual point of view, all Twitter apps should essentially look the same. However, in a?blog post?back in June, Twitter also stated that developers should not, "build client apps that mimic or reproduce the mainstream Twitter consumer client experience." Essentially, this means Twitter doesn't want people building new Twitter clients.

Twitter has also instituted a user cap of 100,000 people for any app that uses the Twitter API, but they are giving a special allowance to any apps that already has over 100,000 users. When a new app gets more users that 100,000, it needs special permission from Twitter to continue on. This includes not just the Twitter clients that show your Twitter stream, but also apps that tap into the Twitter ecosystem like the aggregation tool?Storify?or the "what you did a year ago" webapp?Timehop. Essentially, if your app taps into Twitter for any reason, you're going to see changes.

From a strictly Twitter client point of view, the changes seem like they'll cut Twitter clients completely. However, in a blog post, Tweetbot developer Tapbots explains they'll?continue work their clients?(iPhone, iPad, and Mac), and the majority of the app will be unchanged. Twitterific developer Icon Factory?says the same thing.

Not all developers are so confident, and?several have sent letters to the FTC?requesting an investigation into possible antitrust issues that arise by Twitter forcing other apps out of the game.

Until we see how Twitter enforces these rules it's difficult to know exactly what to expect.

The Twitter power users who like third-party utilities

Twitter power users are going to see big changes in their Twitter clients, but many of the analytics tools they use will remain untouched. In fact, in Twitter's?blog post?on the issue, they specifically high-five the likes of?Crimson Hexagon,?Topsy,?Hootsuite, and others. In short, if you're using apps that are targeted at businesses, for data mining or otherwise, you're probably fine.

However, power users will likely see less customized clients built specifically for certain types of users. Lifehacker founder Gina Trapani sums it up on the?In Beta podcast:

I think the big thing people are upset about is that we're going to see fewer custom power user clients. Which really sucks for the power user who want the very specialized client who lets you mute keywords, or whatever.

The reason? With a new rules, developers might not put forth the effort to build specialized clients anymore. It could also mean that currently beloved clients will just give up. It's no fun playing in a playground with chains and locks on all the equipment. Since this hinges on how developers react, it's hard to judge exactly what the effect will be until Twitter starts enforcing these rules.

Twitter users who like services like Flipboard that plug into Twitter

The loudest outrage from most people is how Twitter's been tackling the way third-party services access Twitter. In a tiny way, this is about how?Tumblr, Instagram, and LinkedIn?users can't search for friends on Twitter any more.

More worrisome about the new API rules is how it might restrict apps like the popular social news app?Flipboard, which accesses tweets, but isn't a client itself. The worry comes from Rule 5a of the?Timeline display guide:

Tweets that are grouped together into a timeline should not be rendered with non-Twitter contents. Eg comments, updates from other networks.

Instapaper developer Marco Arment?talks about why this might matter in a blog post:

In other words, apps cannot interleave chronological groups of Twitter posts with anything else.

This is very broad and will bite more services and apps than you may expect. It's probably the clause that caused the dispute with LinkedIn, and why Flipboard CEO Mike McCue just left Twitter's board.

Closer to home for me, it affects Instapaper's "Liked By Friends" browsing feature, which will need to be significantly rewritten if I want it to comply. (If.)

Essentially, services that tap into your Twitter feed and regurgitate links into a new visual style could be blocked. This means magazine-style browsing apps like Flipboard?could?be cut off.

The likely reasoning from Twitter's point of view is simple. When you access links from who you follow on Twitter without ever going to Twitter itself, you can get the Twitter experience without ever looking at advertisements.

The optimistic Web nerds who want Twitter to be a platform, not a media company
When Twitter first launched, it was a wide-open, easy-to-develop-for platform that felt something like the wild wild west of internet communication. Now, Twitter is closing in on itself, and changing its overall approach from open platform for communication to media company. The reason? Money. (They're a for-profit company, so while the results are frustrating, it's silly to blame them for this.)?The Verge lays it out like so:

Creating a platform like Twitter is impossibly hard, but after years of fail whales, the company pulled it off. Monetizing a platform is harder still, and it looks like Twitter has taken the easier path: monetizing its social graph without sharing the wealth with the developers who helped build it.

The reason the social graph (who you follow/who follows you) is important from an advertising point of view is pretty simple: people use Twitter like they use a TV, they follow who they're interested in and that reflects a marketing potential. This makes direct advertising easy.

Twitter's original API was wide open, and out of it sprung all types of innovative apps and uses?the very same things that turned Twitter into the successful company it is today. The openness was the exact reason many of us started using the service in the first place. Twitter was a platform you could access in a variety of ways, and use for a number of different reasons. You could track celebrities, communicate with people, and share links with complete strangers. Users wanted to think of it as a platform similar to email as opposed to a media company (like Facebook). It's easy to see that Twitter needs to make money, but many people hoped (perhaps naively) that Twitter would still function as a platform. Not as yet another Facebook.

So, should you care?

Twitter's guidelines for some of these changes are still pretty vague, and interpretations of how Twitter will implement the changes are all over the place. Developers have six months to comply with the new API, and hopefully by then we'll have a better idea of how it's going to affect everyone.

So, should you care? That depends on how you use Twitter. The issues above effect different people in different ways, but even the casual user will see restrictions with the apps and clients they use.

More from Lifehacker

Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/technolog/whys-everybody-so-angry-about-twitter-should-you-care-965306

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An Inspector of construction Enterprise | Home Improvement Blog ...

Many customers who are about to build houses in a new area are highly confident of their needs and also the obligations of manufacturers. Although construction inspectors are there for your help, do not contact them for every little thing. Building inspectors are paid to make sure the city?s building codes were followed and that the construction and electrical conditions are safe.

In addition to thinking about what is required by an inspector, owners often get caught with their work to help the Inspector will work just fine. The building inspector is required to work on important aspects of the construction process as the structure, strength, while the interiors are not under his control. He controls the solidity of the structure, not the cosmetic additions to the building.

The first day of the exam of your home, the inspector should look at the Foundation, reinforcements (along with the foundation wall) and once the water resistance as well. Basics like hydraulic, electric cables and gas pipes also need attention of Inspector during his second visit to the site. Subsequently, the rough electrical, hydraulic, gas piping, heating ventilation and framing are watched.

Check electrical wiring, plumbing fixtures, once all have been covered is the next bit to the Inspector. If the work does not meet its specifications at this point, the electricity will not turn on and the buyers will not be allowed to move in house until the generator has corrected the situation. Building inspectors also check the licenses of people who work on site to ensure that the House is being built properly.

It is useless to argue with an inspector, because he represents the City Council and enforce the rules of the city. To get an understanding of errors or wrong done working, you have to dig deep within it. The furniture must be worked out between the buyer and his generator.

Entering a new city and trying to find a reliable Builder may present a problem for some people. Is a great idea for the buyer to make contact with the building inspector. An inspector will recommend builders usually good though he couldn?t tell which one is the best out of the lot.

Another problem for home buyers is when you buy a House that has already been completely built. A local inspector must ask to check the roof for any abnormalities, if the Foundation is cracked and/or level, the ports for any sounds and plaster for cracks. In one day of its finish, the home is thoroughly checked by the Inspector for any dangers to life and he guarantees that it is safe for you to move in.

The building inspector is not solely responsible in making sure that the home is safe and sound. Nobody is responsible, but the home buyer. When you need a help, building inspectors are always there to lend a hand.

Source: http://halohund.de/an-inspector-of-construction-enterprise.html

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From Zero to Hero: The Evolution of Computers

Most people use a computer on a day-to-day basis but rarely think about the origins of a machine that has become so?indispensable. But the question ?Who invented the computer?? is not an easy one to answer as many inventors throughout the years have contributed to the technology we use now. Let?s take a look at the brief journey from desktop computers to tablet computers in order to get a grip on the astounding speed at which technology has moved.

Desktop computers

The first personal computers targeted at the general public were developed in the 1970s and 1980s and included models like the IBM Personal Computer and the Apple II series. This marked a step away from specialised scientific and business-based computers and a step into the broad consumer market. These personal computers could fit in people?s homes and offices and would soon incorporate friendly operating systems like Macintosh and Windows.

Laptop computers

Laptops were groundbreaking when first released in the early 1980s as they included the same elements as a desktop ? screen, keyboard, mouse or touchpad and speaks ? but combined them with real portability. By the 1990s, colour screens were introduced and CD-ROM, DVD and Blu-ray capability were introduced in the 2000s.


The introduction of Blackberries, iPhones and pocket PCs is perhaps the most pivotal development in computer technology in the last decade. It allows people to be permanently contactable through emails, contacts, appointments, social media and instant messaging services like BBM and WhatsApp. Phones became mini computers.

Tablet computers

Tablets are larger than mobile phones but smaller than laptops and without a flip screen. They are usually operated through a touch screen or a digital pen and have become increasingly popular in recent years. Apple spearheaded the tablet revolution with the launch of the iPad in 2010. It used similar technology to that of its iPhone and hence made it easy for users, who commonly had experience using the interface. Tablets usually have wireless internet functions, apps, email and social media devices, cameras and e-book reading.

Where to now?

Technology is always finding incredible new ways to impress and astound us. You can already see how far we?ve come in the last 50 years; imagine what the next 50 could hold! From driverless cars to Google glasses, which feature phone functions, GPS, a camera and voice control ? one thing is for sure, it won?t be boring! Most of us couldn?t imagine a life without computers and they are only set to become more and more important to us ? if that?s even possible?

Sarah Oatley is a freelance writer with a technology addiction. She always wants to get her hands on the latest products and gadgets but can?t afford to buy everything she would like. She uses RentSmart?to access the latest technology for a fraction of the price.

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Thank You For Reading...

Minesh Rai is the Founder and CEO of Mirolta.com. He writes articles regarding Mobiles, Tech, Gadgets, Games, Web Applications, Social Media and much more. Contact him at mineshrai@mirolta.com.


Source: http://mirolta.com/2012/08/26/from-zero-to-hero-the-evolution-of-computers/

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